Do I qualify for the exceptional promise category of the tech nation endorsement as a website developer who has never worked for any company?

Hello everyone,

I am a self-taught software and website developer. I basically found interest in tech and programming four years ago while still studying for a mechanical engineering degree at a university in Nigeria.

I graduated last year(2021 December), and ever since, I have focused fully on full stack web development (with a preference for back-end development). I have strong knowledge on multiple programming languages such as python and JavaScript, as well as all necessary tools required for web development.

A few months before my graduation, I started a small scale web development company of which I am the sole proprietor. So basically, I am a free lancer with a company name.

I have all necessary skills and knowledge required to build websites and softwares. I have roughly 4 years of experience writing code as a self taught developer, and only about 1 year in building websites for customers with the business name.

The bottom line is that I have never been employed in any tech firm except the one I started as a sole proprietor.

Do I still qualify for an endorsement from Tech-nation for the global talent visa?

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