Dependant visa application - Permission to stay as a partner

Hi everyone,

I have filled my Stage 2 application and now I am filling my husband 's.

There is this question:

“Do you have permission to stay as X’s partner?”

Does it ask about if we have applied as partners to the UK before or if we meet the criteria to move to the UK together (like by being married etc.)

I asked this to home office and sharing the answer in case anyone needs it in the future:

“We are unable to comment on individual cases, however “permission” refers to the leave that the applicant has to remain in the UK. If the applicant is not already in the UK as a dependent partner or on a spouse visa, they do not have ‘permission’.”

So I selected “No” as the answer.

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This is very helpful @Edg
My husband and I are applying together outside the UK, and we have never lived together in the UK. I will choose No to this question. Thanks

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Great! Good luck with the rest of the process :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s the right answer, some questions are for people with different situation.