Cybersecurity-Please review my Application Stage 1

Looking for advise on my Application readiness.

Currently working in the UK as a CyberSecurity Expert, Would appreciate if you could Kindly help me on the MC and OC, TIA/

IT Security Lead, Overall 20 Years of experience. 6 years in the UK.

  1. Personal Statement- I went ahead and drafted the personal statement, this talks about last 5 year achievements, what I am doing in the UK and future in the UK

  2. Reference letter

  3. Letter from CISO in the UK - Have worked with him extensively, still working in the current org.

  4. Letter from CIO in the UK- Have worked with him extensively delivering transformation programs.

  5. Letter from CEO of a start up - helped him with some guidance enhancing capabilities of a product

Mandatory Criteria:
1. How do I demonstrate I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?:

I plan to show evidence about my high salary and evidence of my salary slips
offer letter given by the company
Webinar Videos, Conference Speaker, Author for an Article published on cybersecurity
Structured Mentorship program- Currently mentoring COHORT of 2 Groups
Advisory Board member of an Education, Certificaiton Organization
Runner up in Innovation Festival

  • Outside of your normal day-to-day job role, I have been a senior contributor to a large technology-led industry initiative, *Mentoring Program) evidenced through reference letter(s) from global senior project executives.
  • I have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, (including event size/attendance estimates where possible).
  • Published material in professional or major trade publications
    I will include the title, date and evidence that you are the author of such published material
  • I command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, history of earnings.
  • I have held a significant expert role participating on panels

Optional Criteria:

2) How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

Evidence of mentorship:**
Speaking Engagements At 2 Online Webinar and 2 Conferences Events**:
An op-ed or news article that exemplifies thought leadership, evidence of mentorship.

3) How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company**?**

Employment contract with salary information ( Day to day Job as IT Security Lead )
Letter from an employer -Current JOB.
Documentation on product designs or architecture diagram clearly showing my contribution to continously Improve the product capabilities.
Being a Member of Advisory Board for Ed-Tech Company.

Hello Community Member,Thanks for your contribution towards responding to other members,

If you have time, kindly review my profile and advice.


Hi @Malcolm_Xavier

  • Salary information cannot be used twice in two different criteria. All evidence should be unique.
  • Videos, conferences, authorship mentioned in MC: can you show quantifiable public impact in terms of number of attendees, views, engagement, feedback?
  • Your MC looks only third-party evidence. Would you have any self-documented evidence of a high impact digital project you led as part of your work and validate it through a support letter from someone you worked with?
  • There’s no support letter in any of your evidences: why?
  • OC2: the mentorship is structured with selection criteria? What was the engagement, views, attendance of the webinar/conference/article?
  • OC3: need to show impact of the designs not just design (it can lead to TN flagging as part of job versus significant impact because of your work).
  • Is the employer letter an HR letter? What does this letter highlight and from who?

I think you need to make your post less worry and tell us exactly what document you plan to use. You don’t need to copy everything written in the tech nation guide.
For instance in Mandatory criteria

Evidence 1 tell use the type of conference you spoke at, where you a key note speaker, do you have pictures of you speaking on the main stage, are there over 100 people in attendance. Is the conference a sector leading evidence?

  1. Do you have articles published in reputable media or trade journals? How many articles do you have and how recent?

  2. What expert type of expert role did you play on a review panel?

Give similar details as above but don’t repeat any evidence you have used.


Provide evidence with metrics. Just pasting tech nation guide doesn’t help, we don’t no the nature of evidence


Thanks for the response .

Thanks Priyanka, I will recheck

Updates to my documents

  1. CV
  2. Personal Statement 1000 words
    3 Recommendation letters

Mandatory Criteria (Evidences available )

  1. High Salary ( Salary comparision with Industry standard in UK + Contract letter)
  2. Public Speaking ( multiple since last 1 year, have photos of me speaking + letter from Organizer)
  3. Published an Article in trade Publication ( Articles has great views from Audience )
  4. Advisory Board Member - Ed Tech company
  5. CyberSecurity Gold Standard Certification


  1. Structured Mentorship Program for 3 ( based on selection progress ) - helping close the skill gap
  2. Support Letter -


  1. Have led in development of Product + Service ( Impact )
  2. Award for the service + Product
  3. Support Letter on Product + Service ( outside of Job )

Please advise if this is enough

Hi @Malcolm_Xavier

  • overall the evidence looked aligned to criteria but your MC looks weak.

  • my biggest concern is that you are showing only 1 piece of work that you led (in OC3). In that case what are your LORs mentioning esp wrt impact and significant contribution?

  • the MC evidence of board advisory: what does it say? What do you explain in 3 pages here?

  • cybersecurity gold certification is not an evidence of its own to stand ground over 3 pages

  • in OC3, Was the award an outside international award or internal? Do you have proof of product in the market along with revenue/quantified impact? Is this letter from outside from a customer? How are they relevant to this product?

1 Like

Thanks for the advise, let me spend some time on this and rethink on the criteria.

Moving closer to the submission date

I am working in the Uk from the last 6 years, curently working as an IT Security lead, I am an Author, Speaker, Mentor.

Request @pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu and other leaders in this forumn to kindly advise gaps if any.

Thanks in Advance. Appreciate your contribution towards the forumn.

Document 1 : CV
Document 2 : Personal Statement ( 1000 Words )
Document 3 : LOR from CIO who knows me for last 5 years - talks about my projects inside work
Document 4 : LOR from CISO who knows me for last 15 years -talks about my journey outside work
Document 5 : LOR from CEO who knows me from last 1 year- spoke with me at the conference

Document 6 : MC1 Public speaking - 100+ audience multiple confernces, screenshots, links, letter of support
Document 7 : MC2 Publication- for Industry leading trade publication, screenshots, links
Document 8 : MC3 High salary-compared with glassdoor, payscale and promotion letter
Document 9 : MC4 Advisory Board Member-Awarded- Letter of support, progressing the field

Document 10 : OC2 Mentoring in tech- evidence by letter, screenshots, links
Document 11 : OC2 community events -participation, letter and screenshots, photos
Document 12 : OC2 training couse authored- good rating, screnshots, link

Document 13 : OC3 Significant impact of product, cost savings, innovation, screenshot, award, revenue generation, letter of support
Document 14 :OC3 significant impact optimization of performance of Security operations center, screnshots, links, letter of support.
Document 15 : OC3 Significant impact - product that was innovation, revenue stream, reference letter, design diagram. screenshots links.


Hi @Malcolm_Xavier

Overall looks fine, I would highlight the below once:

  1. MC 6&7: ensure it’s a leading digital tech event with your picture on the stage. The publication mentions your name, highlight scale of publication.

  2. OC2 - mentoring and training to be part of a structured program with selection criteria.

Good luck! Keep us posted on how your application goes.


Is you company a technology product driven company?

I work for an oil and gas refinery in the UK