Looking for advise on my Application readiness.
Currently working in the UK as a CyberSecurity Expert, Would appreciate if you could Kindly help me on the MC and OC, TIA/
IT Security Lead, Overall 20 Years of experience. 6 years in the UK.
Personal Statement- I went ahead and drafted the personal statement, this talks about last 5 year achievements, what I am doing in the UK and future in the UK
Reference letter
Letter from CISO in the UK - Have worked with him extensively, still working in the current org.
Letter from CIO in the UK- Have worked with him extensively delivering transformation programs.
Letter from CEO of a start up - helped him with some guidance enhancing capabilities of a product
Mandatory Criteria:
1. How do I demonstrate I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?:
I plan to show evidence about my high salary and evidence of my salary slips
offer letter given by the company
Webinar Videos, Conference Speaker, Author for an Article published on cybersecurity
Structured Mentorship program- Currently mentoring COHORT of 2 Groups
Advisory Board member of an Education, Certificaiton Organization
Runner up in Innovation Festival
- Outside of your normal day-to-day job role, I have been a senior contributor to a large technology-led industry initiative, *Mentoring Program) evidenced through reference letter(s) from global senior project executives.
- I have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, (including event size/attendance estimates where possible).
- Published material in professional or major trade publications
I will include the title, date and evidence that you are the author of such published material - I command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, history of earnings.
- I have held a significant expert role participating on panels
Optional Criteria:
2) How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?
Evidence of mentorship:**
Speaking Engagements At 2 Online Webinar and 2 Conferences Events**:
An op-ed or news article that exemplifies thought leadership, evidence of mentorship.
3) How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company**?**
Employment contract with salary information ( Day to day Job as IT Security Lead )
Letter from an employer -Current JOB.
Documentation on product designs or architecture diagram clearly showing my contribution to continously Improve the product capabilities.
Being a Member of Advisory Board for Ed-Tech Company.