Could you review my profile for Exceptional Promise?

I would like to ask for the review of the documents (Exceptional Promise):

Three recommendation letters:
(1). from the Engineering Manager.
The contribution of my work and programming skills in the company (say Company_A) we worked for. We are not working at Company_A anymore.

(2). from the Lead Analyst (UK).
I am working in the UK more than 1 year with the the lead analyst. This letter contains the importance of my work in this British company (say Company_B), and my future contribution to the technology in the UK.

(3). from the PhD supervisor
My research works in the PhD course (machine learning), and its importance in tech field.

Mandatary Criteria:
(4). Reference letter from the previous CEO of Company_A
To clarify my contribution led the company success and had good collaboration with the customer, and revenue/benefit growth gained from my work.

(5). The press-release issued by the customer of Company_A.
This press-release is for the collaboration with the Company_A and the customer.

(6). The program of my seminar talk of the product of company_A.
I did a presentation at the seminar and the program mentions I am the presenter. Here, the number of attendees is not written in the program (only maximum capacity of people). Meanwhile, the reference letter in (4) mentions approximate number of audiences.

For OC3:
(7). Employment certificate from Company_B
My title, salary, when I joined.

(8). Documentation of my work at Company_B.
The design, specification of the machine learning platform (all by myself) and its benefit.

(9). Reference letter from the Lead Engineer at Company_B.
To clarify the importance of my tasks and how this work helps our products.

For OC4:
(10). The diploma of my PhD (engineering)

(11). The screen shot of my Google Scholar page.
About 40 citations in total.

(12). The lecture slide from an European university citing my journal paper.
This slide contains the screenshot of my journal paper.

(13). The certificate of prize of my conference paper during the PhD course.

I worry about the documents especially (6), as it does not have information of number of audiences. Also, despite it was occurred in few years ago, the link is not available anymore (because of the update of the website). So I will have to submit the screenshot from Wayback Machine.

If anyone have any advices or comments for my documents, I am really glad to know.
Thank you so much.

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Does this press release mention your name and your contribution? Is it a reputable and recognised publication in digital technology sector.
Was this seminar in an organised high profile or sector leading event?
Most of your mandatory criteria need external validation that are recognised in the industry.

For 12, Consider including the journal paper and the additional evidence would be to show the impact of the publication like citations

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Hi @May, thank you so much for your comment.

The press-release was published by one of the biggest tech companeis in the world (their headquarter is located in my country).
However, the press-release does NOT include any personal names. This press-release describes the collaboration of the customer and the company I worked for, and this is the first project of Company_A in my country.
(The customer is a huge tech company and Company_A is a start-up tech.)

I considered the recommendation letter (1) and the reference letter (4) would support how my work contributed to this collaboration.
The seminar program (6) would be the another example of my contribution at Company_A.
The seminar is one of the biggest events in this particular field in my country.
This event is organised by high profile sector.
However, in order to prove the importance of this organisation, the letters (1) and (4) the letter might be the only way.

If these documents are not enough to prove the Mandatary Criteria, I would submit the salary information at Company_A (considered to high salary I believe) to support the importance of my role at the Company_A.

For the advice of OC4, I understand. I will also include the journal papers and further information (e.g., impact factor).

Thank you for your kind advice.

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If your your name was not mentioned in the article, I think you should merge 4and 5. Point the assessor to article written about your work and you have provided a reference letter to confirm your built the product.

The seminar is still related to 4 &5, it is not an industry leading speaking event or specialist talk, it may not be sufficient.
Di you have publications?

Hi @Francisca_Chiedu, thank you for your comment.

Di you have publications?

The seminar did not require us to submit a publication (for example, journal paper or proceedings paper, like conferences).

I have the seminar slide which I used for the presentation. I created the slide but it is written in non-English language, so I will translate it into English. I assume it can be another evidence.

The seminar is still related to 4 &5, it is not an industry leading speaking event or specialist talk

The seminar was not directly related to the case of our customers.
It was more likely focused on the overview of machine learning technology, the use of ML in our products, and what kind of tasks we solved using our service.

I am sorry if I misunderstood your advice.
Thank you so much for your help.