Could you please evaluate my Exceptional Promise chances


I’ve seen a lot of help and useful information here, but every case is unique, I really appreciate any advice that you could provide, thank you in advance!

I would like to try my chances in Exceptional Promise.

Recommendation Letters

1. Senior Engineering Manager from Google, he was consulting a startup I’ve been working for, he interviewed me and evaluated me as an exceptionally talented person
2. CEO of my current company
3. Head Of Mobile department of one of the biggest bank in the country, he was my student on one of my programming course.

Personal Statement
4.5 years of experience, mostly in product-led companies, two last years working as a Lead Software Engineer

Mandatory Evidence

Document 1 - Employment contract with my current company
Document 2 - High salary proof - links to market analytics, letter from People operation department of my company, saying that my skills are so high they gave me the highest rate on the market.
Document 3 - Letter from Senior Engineering Manager of my company, saying that I’m a lead developer and lead of iOS department, talking about my achievements and impact on the company.
Document 4 - Media recognition : interview with me in one of the biggest media in my country. Screenshot and link to the article with number of reads (67000 reads) and letter from journalist working for this media describing why he decided to ask me for the inteview and saying that it was a huge success (according to number of reads and impact on the community).
Document 5 - Reference letter from CEO of one of the biggest IT schools in my country describing my impact on this school and my achievements.
Document 6 - Service Agreement with IT School ()
Document 7 - Reference letter from my student describing how great of a teacher I was, how inspiring my story is and how I impacted his career.
Document 8 - Bunch of YouTube interviews with me, most viewed has 17000 views

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Document 9 - Proof of participation in a volunteer activity (mentorship of ex army workers) : reference letter from my mentee, links to the organisation
Document 10 - Proof of free programming course I’ve organised : links to YouTube videos of this course, screenshot of Telegram chat with students, reference letter from student.
Document 7 - Interviews on YouTube
Document 4 - Interview for media

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Document 1 - Employment contract with my current company
Document 3 - Letter from Senior Engineering Manager of my company, saying that I’m a lead developer and lead of iOS department, talking about my achievements and impact on the company.
Document 5 - Reference letter from CEO of one of the biggest IT schools in my country describing my impact on this school and my achievements (my interviews for this school led to significant growth of students and I was one of the best teachers).
Document 6 - Service Agreement with IT School

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You have a really strong profile for promise. Package it well and you’ll be fine. Best of luck!

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