Connecting evidence to reference letter is advisable or not?

In my evidences related to leading the growth of a tech product company, wherever I provide dashboard data etc., can I connect them to the 3 recommendation letters to testify that yes indeed there’s a validation behind those claims?

Or are we better off by NOT connecting the evidences to any recommendation letters?
Let me know!

Thank you @Francisca_Chiedu @alexnk @Shreeniwas_Iyer @May @Mide @hsafra !

Highly recommended to connect your claims with letters from external parties who can certify/attest your claims. Its not mandatory to have all your claims covered in your main 3 recommendation letters. What you can also do is cover your evidences in 2 pages and in the 3rd page attach the screenshot of the additional reference letter from the external party who is certifying your claims. TN always looks for external validation of whatever you are claiming. Hope this helps. Good luck

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Should cover all claims In letters - split across LORs and support letters.

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Thank you for your help!

Thank you for your reply!

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So what I did was my letter talked about metrics and then I supported it on my end by talking about the major ones and then adding dashboard screenshot.

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@cosmic.wilderness I asked the writers of the LoRs to also write about the work projects that I submitted as evidence in other criteria. I didn’t reference from the evidence back to the LoRs

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Thank you so much for your help!

It’s a bit tricky since the guideline now asks for unique evidence per criteria. I did make reference to my LORs in some of my evidence but I also made sure to include supporting letters where necessary.

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