Co-founder and Product Manager Evidence Review Request

MC1: Evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events.


  1. Video Clip: A video clip from a major UK business event where I spoke as a guest speaker, sharing the experiences and journey of an African startup I was part of (which is now incorporated in the UK and I am part of its directors - although a few months old in the UK). The event was attended by over 150 guests, including business leaders and policymakers.
  2. Reference Letter from the Event Organizer: A reference letter highlighting the event’s date, why I was invited as a guest speaker, the relevance of the event to the business and tech sector, and the impact my speech created.
  3. Reference Letter from an Industry Tech Expert: A reference letter from a tech expert at a successful UK company, discussing the impact of the event, its relevance to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and tech sector at large, and their recommendations.

OC2: How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?


  1. Mentorship Journey Report: A report documenting my mentorship of three candidates for over six months through a major UK product manager platform. This includes candidate profiles, challenges faced, a screenshot showing several meeting sessions via Google Meet, and an assessment report (based on a survey form shared with the mentees and report copy shared with the platform organisers) it also features testimonials and the impact of my mentorship on their careers.
  2. Reference Letter from the Organisation: A reference letter from the organisation running the platform, acknowledging my valuable contribution, reviewing the impact based on the assessment report from the mentees, and discussing how this has contributed to the ecosystem at large.
  3. Virtual Event as a Facilitator and Guest Speaker: I spoke for over 30 minutes at a virtual event attended live by over 100 product management professionals, with over 1,000 event registrations. Evidence includes a screenshot of the registration on the event platform, a screenshot of live participants, and a link to the video of the event on YouTube, along with screenshots of positive feedback from attendees - screenshot.
  4. Reference Letter from the Organisers: A reference letter from the organisers, who are part of a major community of product managers with 10,000 professionals in their ecosystem.

OC3: I have made significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions.


  1. User-Centric Design Framework for Startup Web App: Documentation of the design concept, a Canva wireframe of the full app designs with attributions showing that I designed it, and user testimonials and feedback on the new design - link to the live platform which is now in the market showing the incorporated design.
  2. Major Feature Redesign Within the App: Evidence includes documentation of the design concept, a Canva wireframe of the full app designs with attributions showing that I designed it, and user testimonials and feedback on the redesign. screenshot of the live platform which is now in the market showing the incorporated design (unfortunately, this can be accesseded by paid members only).
  3. Partnerships Closed: Documentation of three major partnerships I have closed, one being with a significant UK company that now allows my startup to list its products on the company’s marketplace. Evidence includes three signed contracts and a link to our company’s products in the UK company’s marketplace.

Your feedback would be highly appreciated. :pray:

I think some of your evidence should be merged as single evidence. Video plus letters from organiser should be a single piece of evidence. The mentorship is not structured


Hey @Vincent_Okeke, MC evidence is a bit weak. Try to strengthen it so that it shows you as a leader outside of your main job - do you have editorials written by you, news articles about any products you led, more speaking events, paneliste events you were part of, events where you were invited as judge, awards, major contributions for a product etc.? You should add as much variety to MC as possible to give a sureshot picture of a leader who has made LOTS of contributions (and not just a few).

In OC2, you should further solidify mentoring evidence - was this programme structured with a selection criteria for mentors? Were there mentoring sessions with fixed curriculum? Were there other mentors besides you who are also reputed in their fields? Include all this info.

OC3: Besides qualitative feedback, you should quantitative impact as well (increase in user retention/engagement due to your designs, better conversion rates etc.). Map it to the overall success of product such as “due to my design changes, no. of active users increased by X%” etc.)

Thank you very much Francisca, your review and suggestions and well apprciated.

Thank you so much for the insights and suggestions, they will surely be implemented. Regards!