Clarification on Leading Industry Experts

“You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.”

This is a sample of an example of mandatory criteria. The leading industry expert mentioned, does it means the owner of the organisation where you work can write you a reference letter. I developed the front end and back end of a learning management system for a renewable energy company. Can the owner of the company write a reference letter even though she’s not a leading industry expert? Although we have trained over 300 experts who have now created their own businesses or making impacts already.

I would say, yes! That reference letter will definitely help in your application, may be not for this criteria but other such as:

“at least 1 example of significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder or employee of a product-led digital technology company”

Thank you for the Information. Does the leading industry expert(s) have to be in Tech or not, maybe the owner of the company.

I don’t think so. and yes maybe the company CEO can be considered as an expert

Thank you for the Information.

Hi ,

So for your 3 recommendation letters, I would prefer you have leaders in Tech who know your work recommend you. The guide clearly states leading industry expert.

Seeing that the CEO in question is not in Tech, (not even the business side of Tech), I do not think it is the best foot forward. I would advice instead that you use his/her letter as one of the 10 additional evidence. You do need other documentary evidence in addition to the letter to show yiur contribution to the success of that venture.

Having said this, the assesors are humans and will consider the entirety of your application and not just one letter. Even if that one recommendation letter is discounted (i don’t know for sure), you still have 2 letters which I assume you will make sure are strong recommenders (and leaders in Tech).

In addition, you talk about training 300 experts - this is sounding like consulting work to me. The guide clearly states that “consulting” would not qualify. It is best you accentuate your other works in digital products in addition to this.

To be clear, Training works great as something done outside your day-to-day work. It does not work so great if that is your day job. Please be clear in your documentation which one it is.

I hope this helps ?

Thank you for the Information sir. Although I feel I am misunderstood. I am not talking about the 3 recommendation letters, I am referring to the leading industry experts mentioned in the mandatory criteria. In the guide, it was highlighted that an example of a mandatory criteria evidence is and I quote “You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.”

The leading industry expert(s) mentioned, can the owner of the organisation where I work can write a reference letter?

For the reference letter, it is not a consulting job, I was merely stating the success of the company. As an employee of the company, I developed the front end and back end of the Learning Management System for the company to teach people around the world about renewable energy online. I was also in charge of the digital marketing sector of the company. The result of this is that over 300 people have started the courses on the platform and finished, turning them into renewable energy experts. I hope you understand sir. Your response will be deeply appreciated.