Can you use more than two OC?

Question - in the tech nation guidance it says you need at least 2 OC, but on the app’s I’ve seen there’s only space for two, and everyone on here seems to just reference 2. Am I not allowed to have 3 or 4?

Hi @Michelle Please read the document checklist section on the TN guidance here: Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

You have to pick 2 OCs out of the 4 OC options given by TN. You will overall be submitting atleast 6 and upto 10 evidence documents across 3 crtieria - MC + 2 OCs that you select.


Hi @pahuja @alexnk @May can you please review my application ?

Personal Statement:

  • My personal statement highlights my journey in the digital technology sector, showcasing my achievements and struggles from the very beginning. It culminates in the development of an AI-based technology at my company, aimed at empowering disabled individuals and what i am doing in UK and my aims related to digital Technology sector with in UK.

MY Resume, Linkedin and Personal statement and Recommendation letters are all aligned with my evidences.

3 Recommendations:

1: CEO/Co-founder of Tech Company where I worked 2 years.
2: CEO Of another Tech company where I worked for 1 and half year.
3: CEO of Tech company where I did internship for 1 year.

Mandatory Criteria:

1: Recognized as a leader in Generation Unlimited youth challenge bootcamp 2021 in Pakistan organized by UNICEF for innovation specifically in Digital Technology sector.
*I discussed how i led my team in this bootcamp and how i made possible to develop this Technology in just 4 months. I mostly concentrated on writing algorithm for this technology which is backed up by my Co-founder and CEO of my company.

  • 11 teams were chosen from all across Pakistan from total of 450 teams and I was one of them and the national winner of Generation unlimited bootcamp.
  • Screenshot and link of Generation Unlimited published an article highlighting my successful prototype of AI based technology with my name. Taking about how I led my team and developed this prototype.
    *Screenshot and link of UNICEF Article Published with my name and innovation.
    *Screenshot of me Receiving award and seed funding from UNICEF Officials with certificate and my name mentioned on their website.
  • Screenshot of email conversation with Generation unlimited officials and selected for 6 months free incubation.
  • Letter of support from Generation unlimited Director, highlighting my contributions.
  • Letter of support from 3 teams who were a part of that competition discussing how I helped them in brainstorming Tech ideas for Generation unlimited event.

2: My Degree, Educational documents and Certificates that i received.

  • Screenshot of my Masters degree in International Business management with data analytics.
  • Screenshot of my Bachelors degree in Computer science.
  • Hackathons winning certificates screenshots.

3: International And National Recognition 2019:

  • Discussed my startup Etutie and AI based smart education system selection in Incubation center in my country.
  • Screenshot of successful implementation of our solution provided based on crowd sourcing, Attached linked to an article. I was selected in case study youth challenge 2019 with my team representing etutie, where we won that case study for one of the biggest tracking company in Pakistan.
  • Screenshot of receiving award. Won another national award for project exibition out of 350 teams from all across Pakistan representing my startup Etutie.
  • Letter of support from the manager of my incubation highlighting my tech contributions.
  • Linked attached of my name in my university report 2019 highlighting my name and my team’s name of winning several competitions.
  • Screenshot of selection in International conference Thailand for project exibitions.
  • Screenshot of conversation with officials of thailand conference, Screenshot of invitation with my name. Screenshot of certificate that i received.
  • News clipping. One of the biggest channel in Pakistan. I discussed about thailand conference and the technology that we have developed with official authorized translation.

4: Growth of school of Leader Foundation NGO (Tech Based) 2022
*In 2021, School Of Leadership Foundation chose me from all over Karachi to facilitate other young entrepreneurs for 10 days facilitated program as a representative of Generation unlimited to find individuals from around the country to generate solutions under the broad theme, Alleviating Lives of People and the Planet. Through my leadership, I reached out to many individuals and played a vital role to demonstrate the importance of improving the lives of people and the planet and encouraged them in brainstorming new ideas.
By the recognition of this I was also chosen to provide tech courses to individuals. In 2021, I provided 2 months of detailed C++ Programming courses to orphans and gave them motivation for digital excellence and how they can be successful. One startup from the same group was selected for the Generation unlimited 2021.

  • Screenshot of Email conversion with the officials of School of leadership foundation regarding the facilitated program and whole agenda.
  • Screenshot of me giving insights to youth in different universities for the 2022 bootcamp with link to booklet.
  • Screenshot of me giving Tech education to orphans and link to video of empowering them.
  • Link attached to their testimonials with authorized language translation.
  • Letter of reference from the director of School of leadership foundation.

Optional Criteria 3:

1: Key Engineered Product in 2021 with My company.

  • I discussed the two products that i led and developed. I wrote the algorithms one of the AI based technology helped us secure UNICEF Funding mentioned in MC1.
  • Architecture diagram with discussed all the algorithm flow that I wrote for both technologies.
    *I had some extra research in this technology which was not done before so i discussed that with screenshot and existing researched as well (Although this could be used in OC1 but I had things to backed up my impact.
  • Another Biggest Channel news clipping of mine where i was discussing that how i wrote whole algorithm and where can this technology be used in future. Screenshot of News channel as 4rth largest news channel in Pakistan
    *Screenshot of impacting 2 disabled individuals and empowering them with these technologies and link to a youtube video where those individuals were talking that how this technology has changed their life.
  • Screenshot of Unicef Article talking about Usama, who is disabled and was abled to do regular task with this technology and mentioned my name.
  • Screenshot Usama sent me a letter of support that how i helped him with this Technology.

2: Letter of Reference from my CTO discussing my role and one of the product which brought a lot of sales and as a leader my technical contributions and impact.

3: Screenshots of My company Revenue showing continuous sales of product and my statements.

Optional Criteria 4:

1: Research Publication in a peer reviewed Conference in ICEET by IEEE in 2023. This research was based on Digital tech on Artificial intelligence and this contribution was very significant since this was never done before.

2: Evidence of Presentation certificate in Peer reviewed Convered in IEEE 2023.
*Screenshot of conversation with IEEE Officials.

3: Letter of Reference from my research supervisor. who mentioned my continuous academics contributions and what impact did I bring through AI technologies and discussed about my research publication and its academic impact. Also she discussed that i helped her in her Biggest Journals publication in AI. Attached with her resume.

I had applied with this application for exceptional promise and i am looking forward to hear from you, if you can review.

Hi @Adeelawan12

LORs: Titles look fine, ensure you establish their profiles in the letters as digital technology experts and the content is not just complimentary but clearly highlights your contribution and quantified impact.

i. Your degrees evidence document is not a valid evidence towards any criteria hence will be a waste of one evidence document
ii. What was the impact of the work you did at the incubation center?
iii. How did your work at the NGO indicate you led the growth of a non-profit organisation in digital technology?

OC3: slightly unclear
i. What was the impact of the work you did on the two products? It is imp to not just show what you did but what was the impact of it.
ii. Your “extra research” is the impact you are showing? If so, this is weak.
iii. Was the technology used by any organisation? Or are you showing impact in terms of benefit to 1-2 individuals?

When you say “I had applied” have you already applied?

Hi @pahuja

Thank you for you detailed response.

For MC

1: Regarding the growth of NGO, i was chosen as the facilitator and i led 2 cities and brought teams and out of those teams 2 teams were winner in National competitions. Since their main work was to organize innovation bootcamps with UNICEF and i was leading that for two cities as a facilitator

2: i was a part of incubation offered by Generation Unlimited officials for 6 months for the development of Eye controlled wheelchair to empower disabled people and the wheelchair was developed with the mentorship of leading experts of digital tech and once it was done i was able to test it on disabled individuals since it was the final prototype.

For OC3

1: The market itself for this Technology is disabled individuals and since it was the final prototype because it needs alot of research before it goes to market. So it impacts few individual lives and regarding home automation kit, it generated good number of sales which is given as a seperate evidence in my OC3.

This AI based technology is more of based on research since the targeted audience was very small but it had a positive impact on individuals.

This technology is used by an organization (My Recommendation 1 company) and currently under trial but the product itself is very innovative and have impacted individuals unless it goes to the market and target disabled individuals. Know that for this market a very few individuals impacted would be counted.

One of the product is already in the market with sales.


  1. For the NGO, what was the impact on their growth? Can you quantify this impact?
  2. What was the quantified impact? Is the product now available in the market? Is it being used? What’s the scale of impact?

Only showcasing your selection and contribution is not enough. An imp aspect is to show the impact of your contribution in quantifiable metrics.


  • will you have proof of this product in market and its revenue?
  • even if small, please ensure you quantify the market size, revenue $$, why is it significant, how does it contribute to advancement? Perhaps if it has been successful, are there plans to scale it in your country? Any plan to expand to other countries? Any global expansion plans?

For OC3:

1: yes my recommendations and reference letter from CTO backed me up with quantifiable numbers and this product market is global specially USA, UK. Since i am in UK on a stdudent visa so i did further in depth research in different neurology hospitals. This research was not part of my thesis or university and i did a separate research. I have mentioned this in my personal statement. We have a really big market here which i have discussed as my plans for future.

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