Can you help review my profile

Hello everyone.

I want to apply for the Tech Nation endorsement and have been able to put together some documents. I will appreciate it if you could please take a look at my profile below and confirm if everything is in order.

About Me :
• Game Developer for 5 years (includes Mobile Game Developer for 3 year)
• Currently working as a Game Developer in my own company (“Company Name”).and I’m working as a Game Developer in (“Company Name”).
• At the same time, we developed the Nucvivor and Strange Town projects, which we developed on PC, to the use of people through the Steam application.
• I currently have the title of the first mobile NFT game based on cardano (crypto) with Adamon and PengEgg, a mobile game that I developed myself.

Recommendation from:
• A CEO of a tech company (“Company Name”) in the UK that I worked together in the development of a £500K hyper casual phone game. We continue to work together currently.
• A CEO of a tech company (“Company Name”) in the Turkey that I worked together in the development of 20 hyper casual phone games.

Mandatory Criteria Evidence:
I will present the following evidence regarding our joint project with (“Company Name”).
• A reference letter from (“Company Name”)
• Screenshots of the project related analytics
• A link of the project

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC1)
I will present the following evidence regarding the game projects we have developed with (“Company Name”).
• A reference letter from (“Company Name”)
• Screenshots of the application
• Links of the projects

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC2)
I will present the following evidence regarding the game projects we have developed with (“Company Name”).
• Screenshots of the Nucvivor And Strange Town projects
• Screenshots of the projects related analytics
• Links of the projects

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC3)
I will present the following evidence regarding the projects we have developed for the my own company I work for.
• Screenshots of the Adamon and PengEgg projects
• Screenshots of the projects related analytics
• Links of the projects

You profile looks strong but you need to show how you are recognized as a leader in your sector. You need three recommendation letters not too. Do you have proof of earnings? Have you spoken at a gaming conference? Have you contributed to open source projects?

Hi first of all thanks for replying. Does it count as official proof if we take screenshot money we earn through mobile game in monetization analysis SDKs(Software development kit) ? I participated in GIST (Gaming Istanbul) fair in 2019 as a game developer and I have a related certificate, is that enough? We also provided free training to people on game development at a university. Is this a leadership quality?

Hi Burak, you can add some media recognize document if you have.