Can I keep reference letter and Employment contract in single document

For Mandatory criteria,

I am attaching the evidence with 2 documents, for the 1st document, I have the project, details, contributions and repo commits.

In the 2nd document, shall I provide something like this ( total 3 pages as per tech nation guide) ,

Page 1: Employment contract
Page 2; Reference Letter 1st page
Page 3: Reference Letter 2nd Page

There is no single structure to this. As long it is not longer than 3 pages and provide you context to what you are attaching (preferably as description or footnote).

It worked for me and I got the endorsement for global talent.

Hey @oladayo_leggo, Thanks for your comment and I appreciate that. Sure, I will keep a note on the 1st page that, I am attaching a reference letter with his document on the 2nd & 3rd pages. :blush:

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Dear @oladayo_leggo,

I have one doubt about the OC2 below,

2) How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

I two have 2 evidence where I was working outside my company with other 2 companies as an engineer on a contract basis. I have contributed to their core development and I do have a reference letter from their head/managers. Can I submit 2 pieces of evidence as I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector? is it valid to add that in OC2 or should I add it in OC3.

any ideas on this please?

@Tamil_Selvan the Tech Nation guide seems to lean towards volunteer/non-paid/honorarium type of work for OC2 based on what I understand. The kind of work you have described may be more suitable for OC3.

Again just my thoughts based on my interpretation of the guide. Others may give more insights into this.

Thanks a lot, @westside. I appreciate your response here. It makes 100% sense.

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Hi @Tamil_Selvan, I believe @westside has done justice to the question. Please look for any unpaid volunteering experience that you have that has contribute to the digital technology ecosystem. Common examples that I have seen is starting a podcast, getting involved in structured mentoring, blogging or participating in a tech event. This is not an exhaustive list tho but make sure to tie to the impact generated.

Thanks a lot, @oladayo_leggo, I get it now and understood that. Thanks again, mate.