Can a Technology Writer get the GT visa endorsement?

Hi Guys,

My name is Franklin Okeke. I’m currently in the UK as an international student but interested in the Global Talent Visa.

I am a freelance Tech writer/Journalist with over three years of experience. I have covered Technology stories for popular Tech publications in the US like TechRepublic, Software Companies like Parasoft Inc and written for TheRegister (a British technology news website). My work is all over the Internet. Just a simple name search will lead to my author profile with my content. Before I started a career in tech writing, I was a system admin staff at RedPenguin, Abuja for two years.

Please, I want to know if this experience is enough to qualify me for the Global Talent Visa endorsement.

Thanks for your contributions.

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You need to read the guide to know if you have evidence to meet the criteria.

Unfortunately according to the tech nation website you wouldn’t qualify as a freelancer