Can a piece of evidence be attributed to multiple criteria?

Hi, applying to the visa now and really struggling with this. Thank you in advance! :raised_hands:

The application says
“Note: Whilst you can use multiple documents to support each criteria, each document must only contain a single piece of related evidence.”

But I still can’t tell if that means that each evidence can only be attributed to one criteria.

As in, both Mandatory and Optional Criteria #3 ask for salary/equity. Can I not upload one document that shows salary/equity but use it for both Mandatory and Optional Criteria #3?

Similarly, both Mandatory and Optional Criteria #2 show examples of Talks. Can I not upload one document and attribute it to those 2?

Thank you very much!


When I applied (Sep 2020), you could tag the same evidence to more than one criteria, so I believe you should be good to go.

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