Business Developer evidence review request

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your attention and support.

I am from Iran and have over 13 years of experience in startups, tourism, technology, and e-commerce. In the past five years, I spent one year in a startup and over 3.5 years in a leading cloud computing company in my country, which is also one of the top providers in the Middle East. I was the Director of Business Development there. A year ago, I started my own company in the UK, focusing on an EdTech startup. We are currently in the MVP phase and have generated around 30K GBP in revenue. My current visa status is Dependent.

Mandatory Letters:

  1. CEO of the cloud computing company - A well-known figure in Iranian technology with many awards.
  2. CEO of a leading telecom company, the largest internet provider in Iran.
  3. CEO of my last workplace.


  1. Achievements in the cloud computing company, including the development of four products with the technical team.
  2. Details of my own company, including Search Console, registration number, accounting, pitch deck, etc.
  3. Mentorship from an AI Specialist in a renowned US enterprise, who supports my new startup idea involving AI products.
  4. Certificates from AWS (Udemy), marketing courses from Edinburgh University, Salesforce for sales tech, digital marketing certificates, Google Digital Marketing, and more.
  5. Speaking engagements where I addressed over 500 entrepreneurs at two separate events about technology.

I am also a lecturer in a higher education institute in Iran, teaching Business, though I’m unsure if this is relevant for Tech Nation.

I would appreciate your feedback on my application and any suggestions regarding the Promise or Talent categories.

Thank you in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: In the first line, I mean my own startup

Is there anybody to help me please? I need your guidance, dear friends.

You have 5 evidences mentioned but you need at least 6 - two for the MC and two for each OC you choose.
How are you going to split the evidence between them?

Overall I think your profile might fit but the evidence you list is lacking.

Has he worked with you for over 12 months?

That sounds like a reference letter, not that strong an evidence.

Which criteria do those fit in? I don’t think TN counts training certificates as recognition.

My advice will be to read the guide thoroughly Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation , split the evidence into the relevant criteria and post it here again so we can review.

Thank you for your response. Please note that I have been working at the Cloud company for 3 years and 3 months. As evidence of my role in product development, I have information on at least 4 products, which requires more than one document, possibly three documents. Is it acceptable to use three documents as evidence of my work in cloud computing product development?

Yes, you can use that as separate evidences for OC3 for example. Just make sure each one is substantial enough to prove impact

Thank you for your time, I appreciate it. So let’s see what happens next.

You don’t seem to have sufficient evidence to meet the criteria. Can you split your evidence into one mandatory criterion and two optional criteria?

Hi, and thank you for your time. I appreciate it.

I have over 14 years of experience as a Business Developer in startups and high-tech companies in Iran. In the past 5 years, I spent 1 year in the UK running my own business and now plan to start a high-tech EdTech startup there, with my pitch deck and MVP ready.

Before that, I was the Director of Business Development at the biggest International cloud computing company for 3 years and 3 months, working with high-tech solutions like CDN, video streaming, DNS, and cloud storage. Before that, I was a B2B Sales Development Manager at a well-known startup in Iran similar to GroupOn. I can provide evidence to support my background including:

MC 1-1
A letter from the CEO of the Cloud company detailing my responsibilities, the products I developed, and endorsing my contributions and technical achievements during my tenure. The CEO is a renowned figure in the technology sector, well-known throughout the country, with numerous tech awards and expertise in the field.

MC 1-2
A letter from a well-known CEO in Iran, who was previously the CEO of the largest telecom company in the country with over 3000 employees. We worked together on several projects, including a proposal for investment in our new data center in Iran and various B2B collaborations. I also wrote an excellent business plan for him.

MC 1-3
A letter from the CEO of the company where I worked before joining my own company and the Cloud company, similar to GroupOn. The CEO recommends me and verifies my product leadership claims on my resume, confirming that I developed a product on their e-commerce platform as a B2B Sales Development Manager.

MC 1-4
Information about my own company, including accounting and revenue details, registration number, Google Analytics and Search Console results, Trustpilot reviews, the company website, and my vision for its future. (Uncertain if the pitch deck is needed.)

MC 1-5
Evidence showing how I improved the revenue of the Cloud company, including claims in my CV and endorsements from the CEO. I will provide evidence of the growth and development of a high-tech product there. There are so many other products which I will provide in OCs.


2-1 My speeches at 2 or 3 technological events focused on digital technology. I can provide evidence such as photos, videos, and letters of invitation. The subject is related to Business Technology at the University of Tehran, one of the top 3 universities in Iran.

2-2 My evidence as a lecturer at one of the best higher education institutes in Iran, teaching Business Technology to MBA and DBA students. This includes photos, videos, and screenshots of courses, with one showing more than 150 students in the class.

2-3 My evidence showcasing the reputation of my cloud company and its achievements both nationally and internationally.

2-4 My course certificates in AWS, Salesforce (Tech Sales), Project Management, Digital Marketing (3 certificates including Google), and more.


2-5 The evidence of my cloud company’s leadership in product-led technology in cloud computing.

2-6 The evidence of my cloud company’s leadership in product-led technology in cloud computing.

Sorry, I missed something:


2-7:** A letter from the Director of the AI department at a large AI insurance service company in the United States, stating that he is my mentor in the AI part of my startup.

2-8: A letter from the CEO of an AI and psychology startup in the Netherlands, recommending me due to our shared experiences at several companies.

@Francisca_Chiedu I hope that I could explain good.

@hsafra I think I could explain better and my new explanation about my documents is above. Firstly thank you for your previous advice and secondly please review my new explanation. Please note that all of the people who wrote a recommendation for me have known me for more than 1 year.


@hsafra @Francisca_Chiedu Hi friends, could you please assist me?

I think you have way too much letters. TN prefer evidences of achievements over reference letters.
I counted 5+4+2 evidences and they should total 10.

2-2: was that a paid job? If so it doesn’t fit into OC2 but may fit MC
2-3: this is about your company, and OC2 is about contributions outside day to day work
2-4: I don’t think this is relevant

Your OC3 is only letters - it won’t be accepted.

Try and read the TN guide a few times, they detail all this there.

@hsafra Thank you for your time, I appreciate it. About 2-2, yes it was a paid job and I can provide the pay slip or contract as evidence.

About 2-3, I think it was my mistake, this is the cloud company that I worked for.

about 2-4, Thank you for your advice

and also my OC3 is not letters, it includes the internal insides and screenshots of the environment of the product. Also, include the revenue and watch time increase insights.

Both of these don’t fit in OC2. OC2 is about contributions outside of your work. If you were paid for it then it’s part of your work.

Well, I only have what you wrote earlier about OC3, and that’s letters only. If there’s other evidence in there too than it may be good.

As I said a couple of times earlier, you really should read the guidelines in the TN guide about what evidence in admissible into the different criteria. Otherwise you’ll submit the wrong evidence types