Business applicant - which criterion is covered by this work?

Hi! Could you please kindly help me to understand which Optional Criterion (N2 or N3?) will be covered by the following: i worked as an employee of Digital Consulting firm, BUT in parallel i did advisory work and helped various start-ups with the following (all the evidence through letter of recommendations only):

  • created User Journeys
  • led the development of a product/some parts of products/several releases
  • increased number of clients through innovative ideas
  • advised on product development that led to higher valuation and very soon acquisition by a leading tech giant in tech

I don’t have employment contracts in my application, but the references letters state that i worked with the teams in the startups.

I would very much appreciate your help and thoughts in this question.
Thank you!

Hi Lola,

Could you please advice whether you are applying for a Promise or Talent?

Above sounds to me as potentially suitable for

Optional Criterion (N2): (Same for Talent & Promise)

proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field

Neverthless, I recomend you to do the matrix exercise (if you have not yet) and list all avilalbe criteria in a table (in a first column) and horizontally in the first row - all your potential evidences. Then you are trying to cross check which evidences potentially be applied to witch criteria and you will quite likely get your list of strongest evidences and criteria.

You are more then welcome to join my free Q&A this wednesday where I will be answering any questions related to the application process

Hi Herman, thank you very much for the reply! I was applying for Promise category.
I had a doubt in between N3 and N2 criteria since TN guide for N2 criterion shows examples of advisory work but in a form of mentorship, participation in conferences, etc., whereas my contribution was connected with the work i did for startups that “increased usability of the platform”, “the enhancements resulted in much higher valuation of the business and great interest of investors. We got a proposal to sell X to Z in Y”. Will such evidence be more applicable for N2 then or N3?
Thank you in advance!