Best way to fit screenshots in 1 document? Screenshots are taking too much space. Any ideas please?

I just started working on document for OC2, proving work beyond day to day job and working on open source projects.

I am using a few WordPress plugins I have developed to prove I meet the criteria.

However screenshots are taking a lot of space in the document. I can barely add screenshots for just 1 plugin but I have 5+ plugins which I want to include in evidence.

Here is plugin from someone else as an example which has similar stats to a couple of my plugins.

My plugins have very similar stats to this plugin, same number of reviews and active installs.

Here are the screenshots that I am thinking of including.

  1. Plugin page which would be the link above
  2. Plugin download stats which would be at iPanorama 360 – WordPress Virtual Tour Builder (advanced view) – WordPress plugin |
  3. Plugin code which would be a screenshot of this ipanorama-360-virtual-tour-builder-lite – WordPress Plugin Repository

If I just add three screenshots for just 1 plugin then it will take 1 entire page in the document.

Do you have any suggestions when adding screenshots?

I am using Google Docs right now and plan to export as PDF if it matters.

A screenshot of the statistics of downloads etc and link to source code is more important than the plugin itself.
Also if you are applying as a leader in digital technology surely you know how to fit screenshots :slight_smile:

I know how to add screenshots but the evidence needs to fit in 3 pages so I don’t know if there a way to fit the screenshots in just 3 pages. If there was no page limit then I would have no problem.

Also are you suggesting that I resize the images to fit more of them on 1 page?

If I resize them then it is hard to read what is one them.

Resize, highlight the key areas.