Are there Technical Writing TNV Alumni or Applicants?

I’m looking to connect with a technical writer who is an alumni or currently applying. I need advice on how to boost my chances so I don’t miss anything.

I think you can reach out to digital content managers / content marketers that got the endorsement too. Their evidences should be closely related to what you’re likely to provide.
Check out this person

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Hi, I will be interviewing Aisha Owolabi, a content marketing manager soon, perhaps you would be interested in joining the livestream and asking her questions live

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Thank you so much for this

Hi, I think this interview will also be helpful
This guest has quite a lot of experience as a technical writer (and a developer advocate), so I’m sure you can learn something useful from his visa story.

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This is more than ideal for me🥺
Thank you so much

Hi, I released another interview with a communications professional, check it out: