Are government/not for profit employees eligible for Global talent visas?

I currently work as the Director ICT/Chief Technology Officer at one of the best ranked African Universities and as part of my work, I lead a dev team to conceptualise and develop software solutions for use in higher education. I have been internationally recognised for excellence, well documented in media for leading innovations and have no issues obtaining recommendations for high level offices in the digital technology sector. HOWEVER, I have observed emphasis on “working for a product led company etc.”

My question is simple, is a CTO at a government institution eligible? I would be grateful if I can get some guidance.

Thanks, Samuel

I think it’s trick but if we go by what is stated in the guide, " technical applicant working with non-technical organisation are eligible", then you may be eligible, you just need to show evidence that you meet the criteria. In this case you must place emphasis on your international and national recognition in the field.

thanks…will give it a shot.