Applying for the Exceptional Promise

Hello Everyone
Good day
I want to apply for the Exceptional promise
These are the documents i plan to submit

  1. Personal statement

  2. CV

  3. Letters of Recommendation

  4. LOR 1 - CEO of Company A

  5. LOR 2 - CEO from Company B

  6. LOR 3 - CEO from Company C

  7. MC -1 : Evidence of Innovation in Cybersecurity Solutions

  • Found a very critical vulnerability for an aviation tech company product.
    • Description: Provide detailed documentation or a case study of the critical vulnerability you identified, including the impact of your discovery on improving the product’s security.
  1. MC - 2: Proof of Contribution to Cybersecurity Communities or Open Source Projects
  • Created an ethical hacking community, which offered ethical hacking training for free and graduated over 50% in its first cohort.
    • Description: Provide evidence such as community engagement metrics, testimonials from participants, and details of the training curriculum and outcomes.
  1. MC-3: I offer a short mentorship program to ethical hacking enthusiasts.
  • Description: Provide details of your mentorship program, including the number of mentees, topics covered, and feedback or testimonials from participants.
  1. MC-4: Recommendation Letters from Esteemed Professionals in Cybersecurity
  • Letter of recommendation from the CTOs of products I have worked on.
    • Description: Submit the recommendation letters highlighting your contributions, skills, and impact on the projects you were involved in.
  1. OC-1: Evidence of Speaking Engagements or Presentations at Cybersecurity Conferences
  • Note: If you have participated in speaking engagements or presentations, provide conference programs, speaker badges, or videos of your presentations.
  1. OC-2:Participation in Cybersecurity Competitions or Hackathons
  • Note: If you have participated in any cybersecurity competitions, provide certificates, badges, or rankings.
  1. OC-3: Publications or Articles in Reputable Cybersecurity Journals or Blogs
  • Note: If you have published any articles or research papers, provide links or copies of the publications.

11 OC-4:Evidence of Running a Website Design Agency

  • Run a website design agency company.
    • Description: Provide documentation of your role in the company, such as business registration, website links, client testimonials, and details of successful projects you have completed.

@pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu

Hi @Mike1

Firstly you need to show evidence only towards two OCs, not all 4.

Can you highlight the 2 OCs you are applying for?

Can you share a bit of your profile and work-ex in last 5 years?

The notes and descriptions shared below each criteria: are these from TN guidelines?

thank you @pahuja
Okay, i have evidence for just 2 OCs
I can get my profile details from my resume, or do I have to work on one separately?

the notes and descriptions are what I created myself out of the criterias (MCs and OCs)

I await your reply

Which are those 2 OCs? In the original note you have mentioned all 4 OCs? Which 2 are you specifically applying for - please share OC numbers.

You can share a brief of roles/experience of last 5 years relevant to this application.

i will be using OC 1 and 4

i have sent the brief

Basis what you have shared:


  • have you worked in these companies where their CEOs are providing letters?
  • what’s your association with these companies?
  • ensure they mention the impact of your work with them and not generic letters


  • MC1: this should ideally be under OC1 as this is innovation related

  • were you working at the aviation tech company where you led this innovation? If so, apart from self-documenting and showing snapshots etc, include a third-party validation like a support letter, external links to PR/coverage of the product being launched

  • MC2:

  • demonstrate substantial open source project through compilation of code commit summaries, repo stars, download statistics,

  • MC3: was this mentorship part of a structured platform which had a selection criteria? Personal mentorships don’t count. Mentorship is part of OC2.

  • MC4: please include external links, news clippings etc wherever possible. Ensure letters mention your contribution and impact in some metrics

  • OC1: this is about showcasing innovation. Speaking engagements fall under MC not in OC1.

  • How are you proving this criteria or innovation?

  • OC4: this criteria is about academic research. None of your listed evidences demonstrate this.

  • How are you proving this criteria?

  • The speaking engagement, journal, blogs, competition, hackathons will be relevant to OC2 not to OC1 or OC4 that you have mentioned you are applying to

Please read through the TN guidelines carefully to understand each criteria requirement and reorganize your application plan accordingly.

[quote=“pahuja, post:7, topic:12606”]

  • MC2:
  • demonstrate substantial open source project through compilation of code commit summaries, repo stars, download statistics,
    [/quote] - it is not really applicable to me as I’m a security engineer, no t a software engineer, you you have suggestions