Application Review Exceptional Promise - Product Manager

Hi everyone, I would like to apply for the UK Global Talent Visa under Exceptional Promise (Business Applicant). This forum has been extremely helpful to me as I gather my evidences. However, I have a few concerns about the strength of my evidences. Your help and guidance will be greatly appreciated.


  • BSc. in Business Administration
  • MSc. in Industrial Engineering
  • 5+ years in Product Management (3 product-led companies)
  • Experience in e-commerce, supply chain and logistics.
  • Currently working in fintech/ insurtech.

Letter of Recommendation:

  1. Former CEO/Founder from one of my previous jobs.
  2. Former CTO from my previous job.
  3. Mentor & CTO at a global company.


  1. Led the product development of an internal product that significantly reduced the company’s operational costs, evidenced by a webinar I gave about the product and its development process. Is this evidence enough? I don’t have access to the documents I created as I left the company and I’m wondering if a webinar would be considered as enough proof.
  2. Payslips showing 114% increase in salary between my last and current role. Are the payslips enough or should I include employment contracts as evidence instead? Do the payslips need to be certified?
  3. Speaking engagements (both in-person and online events), evidenced by email requests to speak at the events, event flyers posted by organizers on Linkedin, pictures at the events, links to the presentations I made. Are these enough or do I need a letter of support from the event organisers?


  1. Been at my current job for 3 months, already introduced processes that have improved efficiency of the product development process.
  2. Letter of support from the Chief Growth Officer at my current job detailing my contributions and impact in my short time there.
  3. Letter of support from my manager of the previous company I worked for describing the impact of the products I launched during my time there.


  1. Presentation at a peer-reviewed conference as shown by certificate given and link to presentation.
  2. Letter of support from my research supervisor describing our work together.

Hi, I advise that include authentic/visible evidence wherever possible. Letter of references are not sufficient by themselves. Provide quantifiable metrics of evaluation.

I would also recommend reading all the criteria precisely and mapping your work on the criteria.


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Thank you so much @reachusama for your feedback. I have taken note of the points you have raised.

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Your MC1, just Webinar is not enough get a company letter confirming you lee product development, my concern is how do you show that you led product or a team. Also OC4 is not strong as MSc projects don’t count besides it’s not tech related.

Thank you so much @Francisca_Chiedu for the feedback. I think I’ll replace OC4 with OC1.