Application Review - Digital/Performance Marketer

Hi everyone,

I have been browsing through for a while trying to absorb as much information as I can. Thanks to everyone who put in the time and effort in reviewing people’s applications. I am in the process of putting together my application and would appreciate it if you could help review my application. Here goes:


I’ve spent the past 5 years working in one of Southeast Asia’s largest superapps - they cover everything from fintech, to deliveries, and mobility. And I’ve been leading a high performing team who specializes in performance marketing, media and growth.

My application is anchored on my specialisation in digital/performance marketing and growth.

Recommendation Letters

  • Regional Marketing Head at Company
  • Industry Head at Google
  • Principal Product Manager at Company but I’ve known him for much longer (Mentor) - will be speaking about me from a mentor perspective


Document 1: Received nationally/internationally recognised awards

  • In 2023, was cited as the Digital Performance lead for an nationally recognized award - screenshot of the award and my name referenced on website (link to website), I also added in details about the work that I did specifically for the campaign, highlighting what was the contribution from a paid performance perspective (business metric uplifts, media planning)
  • Added in other screenshots of national award winning campaigns where my name is referenced as the digital performance lead also along with links to the relevant websites to show that I’ve been recognized in those awards
  • Google Case studies which they use for industry best practices referencing me

Document 2: Commanded high salary or remuneration

  • RSU grants over the years (show current value of these grants)
  • Pay over the years
  • Pay in comparison to standard market rates - & Michael Page
  • Show that I command high salary based on standard cost of living in country

Document 3: Letter of Support - Head of Platform Growth at current company

  • Talks about my leadership and talent at my current role

Document 4: Mentorship/Speaking gigs

  • ADPList - screenshot of platform, review screenshots + 1 testimonial from mentee I had multiple sessions with
  • Invitation and pictures from a panel where I was one of 6 selected mentors for a structured mentoring program which is run in conjunction with Mastercard
    • Screenshots from invitation to mentor at the event, pictures from event
  • Review/letter from professor of marketing where I came on to mentor marketing students as part of their firn(this is currently still ongoing)

OC1 - Innovation

Document 5: Strategy

  • Outlined market insights, situation and problem to solve
  • Outlined strategy on a page for market for a vertical
  • Letter of support from current manager attesting to the strategy

Document 6: Innovative Marketing Campaign

  • Outlined a innovative marketing campaign which was carried out, utilizing a varied media mix which involved automation, creative tech as well as show uplift in business metrics (e.g. transactions, GMV
  • Show how parts of the campaign were used as part of a Google case study (screenshot of case study) as well as sourcing a quote from Google team

Document 7: Innovative Search Campaign

  • Outlined a innovation I did for the way the company handles/views search marketing as a channel
  • Outlined what I did, what was the change/innovation that was done, explain why this was important
  • Showing results from before and after - changes were made (Incremental increase in transactions)
  • LoS from former colleague who worked with me on this

OC3 - Impact

Document 8: User Growth for Platform

  • MC3 LoS talks about this too - Should I get her to verify this in another LoS which would either fit here or sit as a standalone document?
  • Talk about how I strategized and made budget calls on investment across platforms to help reach the growth goals of company > show how strategy was done
  • Show screenshots of externally public data on app downloads (Sensor Tower) as well as internal screenshots of dashboard to show growth of new platform transactions > with supporting quotes from annual report (linked & cited)

Document 9: Creative and Product Scorecard

  • Talk about how I embarked on implementing and building a product and creative dashboard, which resulted in time savings, media savings and growth in transactions
  • Show screenshots of said Dashboards
  • Show how the application resulted in measurable impacts in a specific market - growth in transactions from one platform and reduced CACs within one quarter as a result of the dashboards
  • LoS - Head of Loyalty to talk about and verify the results

Document 10: TBC

Some additional questions:

  • In MC1 - I do have some case studies where I was quoted and referenced by Google, I had some space so I put it in here, and added commentary. Should I take this out?
  • Should my 3rd OC3 talk about another impact project, or would it make sense to just put 1 LoS here that can support both the other evidence which has already been submitted in the category?

Please let me know if I have a shot - I’m really eager to apply! @alexnk @May @mbkuru @Francisca_Chiedu @pahuja

Thanks in advance!

Hi @cynamanda you have put together a good first set!

Few pointers:

  1. Ensure your letter in #3 in MC talks about your significant contribution to atleast 1 specific large project along with quantified impact.

2 ADPList is not considered in mentoring by TN usually hence I would put that in the end. Was the Mastercard mentoring a one-day event or was it a structured mentoring program? Pl incl the program structure. You should keep the google studies that mention your name in MC.

3 OC1 is about product and digital innovation. #5 here needs to have more details on innovation aspect.

4 OC3: you cannot have a recommender write 2 letters, you can have a 3rd OC3 evidence as a Los that covers this story and your overall impact.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

  1. Noted on the ADPList comment. Sorry an additional question - does the order of the MC/OC evidences matter as well? E.g. I should submit what I think is the strongest then put the weakest last?

That’s how I would arrange it in interest of the application, you can arrange as you like. There’s no prescribed order officially by TN.

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