Appeal rejected with new reason

Hi All,

I submitted my exceptional talent stage 1 endorsement application on 28.10.20 and received a response on 02.11.20 that stated that I met the Key Criteria 1 and Qualifying Criteria 3 however the qualifying criteria 1 was rejected with a feedback that my company wasn’t a digital company. The assessor acknowledged that my skills and contribution are well recognised and there wasn’t any single specific feedback to my skills or significant impact of my work in product led company. I submitted my appeal detailing out that my company was a digital led company on 28.11.20. I received a response on 04.12.20 with a rejection that I don’t satisfy the Key Criteria 1 that was originally approved by the previous assessor. Nothing was mentioned about my company.

my question: Can the appeal assessor go back to find new points for rejection from originally approved criteria’s? does the policy/process allow this? Has anybody faced this before? Any suggestions on next options?

Sad to hear about your rejection.

Did you produce any documents/letters where some products from your company (and your contribution) were clearly mentioned?

Hi Bubun,

Apologies I chose Key Criteria 2 (Significant impact) not Key criteria 1 (Innovation), for which I submitted 4 evidence to prove that my contribution had significant impact to our sector using digital products.

What I mean was, did your letters provide some details in any capacity, of any “digital product”? If not, then they might turn the application down thinking it’s just a service based organization.

If that is the case, I would say, please try to rewrite some of those letters and then re-file.

Hi Bubun,

there were plenty of digital products that i talked about in the evidences and also in the appeal. My question is simple - can the second assessor reject a criteria that was already approved by the first assessor?

Many Thanks,

@Ramasamy_Pitchaiah, as a matter of fact they can. Every person has a different way of looking and judging things. What we all generally agree if someonee has acquired certain set of skills or expertise they know what they know and can certainly have a say in the matter. As far as my understanding concerns, review is not something which is done using a method of elimination.

@Ramasamy_Pitchaiah- I faced a similar situation in 2019 and my application and appeal , both were rejected. I reapplied this year with all the missing details and my endorsement was successful.

Do not worry about the current application and start a fresh one , by including all the details highlighted by the endorsement team

@Ramasamy_Pitchaiah , What skillset you applied?