Appeal for Templating Recommendation Letter

Hi there,
Is anyone have encountered this comment from Tech Nation before?

All three mandatory recommendation letters show multiple signs of templating. We also note that all three signature trails for these letters clearly indicate that the documents originated and were sent from the applicant’s email ID to the respective recommenders. This leads to more questions about the authenticity of the letters rather than demonstrating any exceptional talent.

Can I appeal that I forwarded the TN guidance to recommender so each paragraph answer the questions in TN Guide in order, but there is no template?
For email ID, this is because I upload the letters from them via my HelloSign, I want to make the signing process easier for referees. I have the referee contacts , their public profile and company letterhead to ensure the authenticity.

According to the website

  • Letters of recommendation can be created using a digital signature service (such as DocuSign or similar service), enabling the inclusion of the document log file that clearly indicates the letter’s author and signature originated from a different IP address to the applicant. Letters must uploaded on Tech Nation’s Application Platform.

I can’t say anything about the templating since I have no idea but I can speak about the signature trail.

I submitted my application earlier this week and this was the approach I used as well.

I wanted to ensure that the document trail shows my own IP address and the IP address of the signer so it is clear that the signature originated from a different IP address from mine. This feedback makes me very anxious.

I think you can appeal this if you state the obvious reasons.

If this happens in my case, I have proof of communication with my recommenders— where I told them I would use DocuSign to email the letter to them for signature. I should be able to file an appeal with that.

@Francisca_Chiedu Your feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Thank you. Do you mean that you have screenshots of you communicating with referees that you would use DocuSign to email the letter, like a screenshot of WhatsApp or SMS?

And yes. The signature originated from a different IP address from mine I can ensure this.

Yes. I have email conversations that buttresses this.

Two of my recommenders sent me the signed recommendation letter. I was the one that suggested we used docusign because I wanted both (mine and theirs) IP addresses to show on the document trail, so the assessor can see how the file moved between both of us, who signed the letter and their IP address.

I didn’t know this would be a fault. I guess I misinterpreted the instruction on the website.

I am sorry you had to experience this @Felicia_Xiao. I hope you can resolve this.

I just realized this can be an issue for me and I am working towards correcting mine. Thanks for sharing.

I think they recognized this kind of method before but now they raised the bar. When you look at the information on the forum, please pay attention to the date. I have seen other people get the email ID comment and was declined this year. Last year, our method worked. Since many people got confused, I would advise TN to update the guide. LOL.

TN already updated the guide, see the log.