Am I eligible to apply?

Hello All,

I am a Senior Business Analyst/ Product Owner and also in to Product Management role - Am I even eligible? Or am I wasting time?

I totally understand, that the contribution should be in the tech industry/ Innovation and stuff. Yes, my 10+ years of experience is in to tech, among which 6 years are in AI/ ML domains.

My Job role at current company is ‘Senior Consultant - Business Consulting’ - But I work as a Product Manager for one of the projects.

I see it is mentioned that ‘Consultancy’ roles are not eligible. So, I am wondering, If I fit?

Please guide/ help.

Thank you,
Sandeep Sambhangi

Have you worked as a consultant all through your career?

No not through out my career. Just the current company, which I started working since Jan.

But however, as I mentioned, I work as a Product Manager - But my Job Role says ‘Senior Consultant - Business Consulting’

Thank you,
Sandeep Sambhangi

I think you need to present your evidence to meet the requirement if not an assessor may assume you have always been a consultant. Best not to present evidence that are irrelevant to your application. Use evidence in the last 5 years that meet the eligibility criteria.

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