Advice on one of my recommenders

Please all, pardon me if my question sound weird.

One of my proposed recommenders is the Head of IT in the state IRS, where I provide software solutions. I am not a staff of the service. I am on a contract to develop in-house custom solutions for their revenue performance monitoring, evaluation and reporting. I also develop a number of other custom solutions and surveys.

Now Based on the specification that our recommenders must be in the C category within the digital sphere, should I look for a replacement for him or can I still use him as one of those that will write my letter of recommendation.

Thank you

Hi all, please can someone help me out on this question.

Please Francisca @Francisca_Chiedu and May @May, I know you both have been over burdened by many of us, but please can you advice on this question.

Thank you in advance.

If the individual is a senior executive in the IRS and is a Digital Technological member in the IRS, then you can use it.
Good luck.

Thank you so much Lizzy @LizzyOrji… and thank you for making emphasis on him being a Digital Technological member. In principle, he is more of a managerial person than a technical person.

So if I understand what you mean by him being a Digital Technological member, you are saying he MUST be more of a technical person than a managerial person.

Kindly advice please.

Thank you.

Oh yes,
I use that word to explain it better, I hope I didn’t mess it up.

No! No!! No!!!. It didn’t. It gave it more clarity rather.

Thank you

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Letters of recommendation should be written by the highest position in the company that can attest to your work. Mine were from the R&D SVP, CTO and CIO - al manegirial positions.

I hope you’re not including your consultancy work as evidence though since it isn’t allowed.

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Thank you so much @hsafra for your response.

The Head ICT is like the Director of the ICT department and because that department is directly under the Executive Chairman’s office, he reports directly to the Executive Chairman. He overseas all the affairs of the ICT department. So technically, you can equate him as CTO. At the moment I intend to use him for reference letter instead of the planned recommendation letter since he is not a core technical officer.

On the side of my consultancy works, the company is mine and I do all the technical aspect of our work which are more of custom software design and development. We don’t buy or deploy for them ready-made software’s which is what Tech Nation is against if I understand their requirement very well.

Once more thank you so much.

From what you wrote the head of ICT should be fine for an LoR.

Please note this from the guide (bold is mine)

**** Please note the following specialisms are generally not considered suitable ****

  • Service Delivery, Process Delivery, Outsourcing, Consultancy (technical or management), ERP Consultancy, Systems Admin and all related fields.

Your description of the consultancy work sounds very much like outsourcing, you need to explain very carefully to TN why it isn’t.

Thank you so much @hsafra. I have read this lines several time and I am holding on these ones as seen below:

The “digital technology sector” or “product-led digital technology companies” are defined as businesses that provide a proprietary digital technical service/product/platform/hardware as their primary revenue source. What we do is The creation of software…, .

They said here => [This excludes general consultancies, outsourcing and technology-related consultancy groups focused on process/service delivery or solutions/systems architecture. We are not focused on process/service delivery or solutions/systems architecture but we are focused on proprietary digital technical service/product/platform

Also here => Work at specific agencies may be considered if the agencies are extremely focused on product innovation in a specific industry and are well-recognized for their contributions to that industry.] . I believe the agency here is my company since I am applying under my company and not under IRS.

In addition to this, my company also provide public and private SaaS solutions for churches as seen on our site at and These are examples of proprietary digital technical service/products.

You need to explain very carefully to TN why it isn’t. Yes certainly I will even though I dont even know in which document I will explain it because I seeking for space to write the ones I need to write already.

Please in which of the documents should I include this :point_up_2: explanation???

Thank you so so much for the tips

Creating bespoke software solutions for a single client falls more under the consultancy / outsourcing sections. It would be a hard sell to convince TN that the software you created just for the IRS isn’t an outsourcing project and is in fact a digital product.

TN are looking for product companies that provide a product or service to a wide range of clients. The SaaS church solution fit this more - I would lean on that in an application.

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Yes Harel @hsafra I understand… The SaaS solutions for churches is an angle we also holding on.

In addition, I also designed and developed for a few other government agencies besides IRS,

  • Data Capturing, Management and Reporting System for World Bank Funded Projects for Cross River State Ministry of Finance
  • Custom Project Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting System (PMERS ) for Fiscal Responsibility Commission Abuja, Federal Capital Territory
  • Property Management & Profiling Software for Cross River State Property Development and Investments Limited (CROSPIL).

I also have another SaaS product for startups and existing businesses under development. I haven’t included that because its still under design but I may have to hurry and complete the MVP version.

Thank you so much for being there for me at this time of my application. It’s really been helpful

Aside IRS what’s is his public profile. Is this person considered a tech industry leader?

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No not really… He doesn’t have any public profile outside of IRS that I know of.

Please all forgive all for resurrecting this my ol question.

I saw this with reference to the word FRIEND.

“Please note that ‘leading industry experts’ excludes roles listed as unsuitable in the Typical Applicants section of the guidance (for example, managers at Outsourcing or Consultancy firms etc.). Evidence of recognition, such as Reference Letters, provided by an immediate colleague, manager, or FRIEND are not sufficient.”

My third recommender was a course mate of mine in the university. We started and graduated the same year. He is based in London and is into Cyber and cloud infrastructure security.

Based on the FRIEND reference as stated above, does he stand a chance of being one of my recommenders???

Thank you

  • are they an expert in digital technology sector?
  • have they worked with you?

If the above two are yes then they can basis a relationship of working together not as a “friend” recommending your work.

Thank you once more Pahuja.

Based on your responses

  • are they an expert in digital technology sector? Yes he is an expert in Cyber and cloud infrastructure security .
  • have they worked with you? We have not worked together in an IT project but we relate in other matters

Please Ma must we worked together before he can reference me?. I thought the focus is that the person knows you and your work???

Thank you

Yes that’s correct. Depends on the content of the letter and how it’s framed since letters from friends aren’t considered

Thank you so so much Pahuja. You have really been helpful

Have a blessed day ahead

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