ADVICE - MC is passed but OC2 and OC3 are rejected need support - Exceptional Talent

Hi all,

I am working as a CSO at a blockchain firm. Although I received some feedback during the MC evaluation, I successfully passed as an Exceptional Talent.

However, I didn’t achieve the desired outcome for my OC2 and OC3 criteria. I want to reapply. In my previous application:

For OC2, I highlighted the volunteer contributions by mentioning the lessons I gave to Master’s students in Cybersecurity.

For OC3, I talked about my significant contributions to the company I work for.

How can I provide additional support or improve my application? If you can offer suggestions, it might help broaden my perspective.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @diffx Sorry about the outcome!

Firstly, what do you mean by you received some feedback during MC evaluation but passed as ET?

Secondly the minimum number of required evidence towards each criteria needs to be a minimum of 2. From what you have mentioned it looks like you just had one in Oc2 and Oc3. What were your third party evidences?

It will be better to share the TN feedback letter for people here to provide relevant feedback for you.


required to write about at least 2 Optional Criteria. I focused on OC2 and OC3 in my application. I did not choose OC1 and OC4.

Assessment feedback is:

You need to select 2 OCs and provide >=2 evidences per OC.

From the feedback:

  1. You seem to have used an OC2 evidence also in MC. All evidences are required to be unique and can be used only once. They have highlighted that without duplication, the evidences were too few and also insufficient to meet OCs.
  2. Your application looks like a lot of self-authorship without evidences of the claims made which is why they have mentioned insufficiency multiple times. If you provided links that do not mention your name, they are weak to attribute the contributions to you specifically.
  3. OC2 especially had a lot of insufficient evidences: you need to use a lot of third party evidence attributed to you to prove OC2 and how you advance the entire tech sector.

Thank you very much for your feedback.
Yes, I realize there were some technical mistakes. In my new application, should I mention my previous application?

Btw, how can you provide suggestions for OC2 and OC3? How TN usually likes OC2s and OC3s examples ?

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They will assess your new application completely fresh. No bearing to previous application hence there’s no point mentioning it.

Please go through the TN official guidelines here, they have clearly mentioned a list of examples of evidences and what they should include: Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

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There are examples of OC2 and OC3 in the guide. You can also check some recent successful applications on the forum

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