About OC 4 requirements

Will it it acceptable to use my MSc Distinction Degree certificate with my Professor/ Supervisor letter from Coventry University UK as an evidence for the OC4?

I am new here and current Fintech founder in Nigeria, I am planning expansion to UK and Europe and thought
UK Global Talent Visa will be of help.

You can add that if you have evidence of research done that is not related to your MSC study.

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The criteria states that it is acceptable if it you undertook any research as part of study and your supervisor endorses your world class talent/promise.

The guide specifically excludes research as part of an MSc thesis for OC4.

Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria;

I think the below clause applies for publication - research undertaken as part of undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify.

  • Evidence of at least one significant contribution to the field in the form of a paper published in a top-tier peer-reviewed journal. Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria;

But, I was referring to the below clause:

  • A letter of support from a research supervisor or other expert in your area of expertise affirming their potential world-class standard. This is in addition to the required letters of recommendation and must be written by another individual;

So, potentially if your supervisors is an expert within the area, one can use their letter.

Disclaimer: I didn’t use OC4 in my application so I didn’t read about it too much.

I think you need the letter to be about research outside the MSc program. So this letter plus another evidence about the research itself.