3 Letters of Recommendation from People who had worked in the same company

Hi TechNation alumni,

As a Promise future applicant I was reading at Tech Nation’s guidelines stating that the three recommendation letters should come from people who are in different companies.

My question in this case is this: I’ve got five years of experience in sales sector and I’ve worked at two tech worldwide recognized companies.

Can I put three letters of recommendation from people who have worked in these two companies, being one of the letters from someone who has worked with me but now has a senior executive role in another company?

Thanks in advance for the guidance and response

I think it should be fine as long as you are providing letterhead papers from two organisation, however, it is best to get a diverse pool of industry recommenders.

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Thanks for your response Francisca. I’ll take your advise into account for my application

Hi. Please recommend if I can have a recommendation letter from a UK based company that’s a startup but I got a formal partnership to expand my business operation and integrate my software with what product they have at a moment.
Company is not very old it registered 6 months before but it was operating at the research stage and concept for almost 3 years. I met this company’s CTO at the UK business innovation summit in 2019. And then we got involved in business discussions etc