Hi everyone, kindly help me organize these evidences to mandatory criteria and optional criteria 2 and 3. Make comments on where to strengthen my evidence and which is strong enough. For the Letters of Recommendation, I am sure of just one yet which is my boss, the founder of the company I am working at. The other two, I am thinking of asking the project lead of the open source project I am contributing to and the director of a community I am mentoring at, I also contribute to their backend project by writing an integration test for them. If they agree to write LoR for me, will it be accepted by Tech Nation? Thank you.
Employment Contracts and Promotions: These will help verify my professional role in a product led company. I am a career switcher. I intend to show my career progression even though this happened at only one company. Joined the company in August 2022 as an intern, was given a full time employment as an Associate QA engineer in October 2023, in April 2024, I was made QA Lead but on a special project that we use internally.
Contribution to the company’s product: I manually tested an upgrade feature for product subscriptions, ensuring it worked seamlessly from development to production. The feature allowed customers to upgrade their subscriptions even in the middle of their current plan. My role involved creating detailed test cases, performing end-to-end testing to validate the functionality, and identifying and resolving any issues during the development phase. Once the feature went live, I monitored its performance to ensure a smooth user experience. This feature significantly benefited the business by increasing revenue, as it provided customers with the flexibility to access higher-tier plans without waiting for their current subscription to expire. Can get a reference letter from one of my bosses, the co-founder, worked with him closely on this one. Also, screenshots of test cases documentation.
Number of tickets opened. I intend to add a screenshot from Jira showing my name on all the issues I have worked on, initiated, or resolved. This will be accompanied by a reference letter from my manager highlighting that the number of tickets I handled was impressive for someone just starting their career, emphasizing my rapid progress and impact. Former manager cos he left the company.
Contribution to Open source: I am focused on testing pull requests (PRs) before they are merged into the repository, ensuring the quality and functionality of the product remains excellent. I intend to add a screenshot of a shout out from the project lead listing me as one of the top contributors for month (Oct.2024). Will also add a link to my GitHub, screenshots of commits and pull requests.
Articles on Hackernoon, MoT and others. Will add screenshots of number of readers and links to the articles.
Spoke at a Google Developer Festival with over 1000 attendees. Will attach the invitation email, a thank you email after the event and many other comments tagging me on X (twitter) on how my session was insightful.
Will be speaking at the One Tech World Conference in March organized by We Are Tech Women, London. This is a virtual event with thousands of attendees all over the world.
Facilitator at a QA community: Teaching over 100 newbies fundamentals of software testing.
Mentor at CYF, a non profit org in the UK: Helping people in the job market with professional development coaching. Reference letter attached.
Mentor at WCC, a non profit org in the UK: Helping career switchers like me with resources and technical skills to help them navigate in the industry. Screenshot of email exchange with a mentee and some reviews from mentees.
@Maya Okay Maya, I am confused, it’s why I asked the group to help me categorize the evidences into mandatory and optional criteria 2 and 3 but here’s my guess:
Employment Contracts and Promotions: These will help verify my professional role in a product led company. I am a career switcher. I intend to show my career progression even though this happened at only one company. Joined the company in August 2022 as an intern, was given a full time employment as an Associate QA engineer in October 2023, in April 2024, I was made QA Lead but on a special project that we use internallY.
Number of tickets opened. I intend to add a screenshot from Jira showing my name on all the issues I have worked on, initiated, or resolved. This will be accompanied by a reference letter from my manager highlighting that the number of tickets I handled was impressive for someone just starting their career, emphasizing my rapid progress and impact. Former manager cos he left the company.
Facilitator at a QA community: Teaching over 100 newbies fundamentals of software testing.
Articles on Hackernoon, MoT and others. Will add screenshots of number of readers and links to the articles.
Spoke at a Google Developer Festival with over 1000 attendees. Will attach the invitation email, a thank you email after the event and many other comments tagging me on X (twitter) on how my session was insightful.
Will be speaking at the One Tech World Conference in March organized by We Are Tech Women, London. This is a virtual event with thousands of attendees all over the world.
Mentor at CYF, a non profit org in the UK: Helping people in the job market with professional development coaching. Reference letter attached.
Mentor at WCC, a non profit org in the UK: Helping career switchers like me with resources and technical skills to help them navigate in the industry. Screenshot of email exchange with a mentee and some reviews from mentees.
Contribution to Open source: I am focused on testing pull requests (PRs) before they are merged into the repository, ensuring the quality and functionality of the product remains excellent. I intend to add a screenshot of a shout out from the project lead listing me as one of the top contributors for month (Oct.2024). Will also add a link to my GitHub, screenshots of commits and pull requests.
Contribution to the company’s product: I manually tested an upgrade feature for product subscriptions, ensuring it worked seamlessly from development to production. The feature allowed customers to upgrade their subscriptions even in the middle of their current plan. My role involved creating detailed test cases, performing end-to-end testing to validate the functionality, and identifying and resolving any issues during the development phase. Once the feature went live, I monitored its performance to ensure a smooth user experience. This feature significantly benefited the business by increasing revenue, as it provided customers with the flexibility to access higher-tier plans without waiting for their current subscription to expire. Can get a reference letter from one of my bosses, the co-founder, worked with him closely on this one. Also, screenshots of test cases documentation.
The grouping you made gave better understanding. thank you!
It is important to note that each criteria should have not less than 2 evidences. the standard way that most are using is as follows (Mandatory 4 evidences, and each optional 3).
That being said, OC3 may need extra evidences to be met.
Alright @Maya lemme regroup the evidences. Please take a second look. Thanks.
Employment Contracts and Promotions: These will help verify my professional role in a product led company. I am a career switcher. I intend to show my career progression even though this happened at only one company. Joined the company in August 2022 as an intern, was given a full time employment as an Associate QA engineer in October 2023, in April 2024, I was made QA Lead but on a special project that we use internally.
Articles on Hackernoon, MoT and others. Will add screenshots of number of readers and links to the articles.
Spoke at a Google Developer Festival with over 1000 attendees. Will attach the invitation email, a thank you email after the event and many other comments tagging me on X (twitter) on how my session was insightful.
Will be speaking at the One Tech World Conference in March organized by We Are Tech Women, London. This is a virtual event with thousands of attendees all over the world.
One question here, I am using two speaking engagements separately in my MC, do you think Tech Nation will buy it or I should merge both as one evidence?
Facilitator at a QA community: Teaching over 100 newbies fundamentals of software testing.
Mentor at CYF, a non profit org in the UK: Helping people in the job market with professional development coaching. Reference letter attached.
Mentor at WCC, a non profit org in the UK: Helping career switchers like me with resources and technical skills to help them navigate in the industry. Screenshot of email exchange with a mentee and some reviews from mentees.
Another question here, I’m using two mentorship roles as separate evidences, does it count or I should merge both as one evidence?
Contribution to the company’s product: I manually tested an upgrade feature for product subscriptions, ensuring it worked seamlessly from development to production. The feature allowed customers to upgrade their subscriptions even in the middle of their current plan. My role involved creating detailed test cases, performing end-to-end testing to validate the functionality, and identifying and resolving any issues during the development phase. Once the feature went live, I monitored its performance to ensure a smooth user experience. This feature significantly benefited the business by increasing revenue, as it provided customers with the flexibility to access higher-tier plans without waiting for their current subscription to expire. Can get a reference letter from one of my bosses, the co-founder, worked with him closely on this one. Also, screenshots of test cases documentation.
Number of tickets opened. I intend to add a screenshot from Jira showing my name on all the issues I have worked on, initiated, or resolved. This will be accompanied by a reference letter from my manager highlighting that the number of tickets I handled was impressive for someone just starting their career, emphasizing my rapid progress and impact. Former manager cos he left the company.
Contribution to Open source: I am focused on testing pull requests (PRs) before they are merged into the repository, ensuring the quality and functionality of the product remains excellent. I intend to add a screenshot of a shout out from the project lead listing me as one of the top contributors for month (Oct.2024). Will also add a link to my GitHub, screenshots of commits and pull requests. Reference letter from the project lead.
MC1: your employment contract can be just a small part of 1 evidence. You can even make it “1 page” in 1 evidence file of 1000 words limit, for instance.
MC2: What did you do here? Did you win the event? Did you write articles about them? In case, if you won the event, it will be great if you can also confirm the importance of these events in the field in addition.
MC3: Ensure that you were one of the main speaker. Read the TN guideline thoroughly and ensure that the letter and your evidence supports those requirements
MC4: This is similar to MC3, if you need more space for other evidence, you may be able to include this together with your MC3 to make the file looks stronger.
OC2-1: I dont think facilitator is good to prove your leadership. Anyway, make sure it follows the requirements in TN
OC2-2 and OC2-3: Were you the senior mentor? Was it the structured program?
To merge or separate, it depends on how much details and how strong each of them is. So you can do either or.
OC3-1: Dont waste your time explaining the detailed progress, how tiring you were, or what the features do; OC3 is not about those. OC3 is about the business impact that you can show on any reports to demonstrate your impact of your (potential) leadership.
OC3-2: This seems to be the list of activity you do. It is not OC3.
OC3-3: Is this under company or personal acitivity? How does it show in the business impact?
Overall, I think there is a room for you to improve your application in all area, especially OC3.
@alexnk thanks for your response. I appreciate.
So, on your MC1 comment, are you saying the employment contracts is not enough standalone evidence? Cos my aim is to show my progression in the company since I joined, that’s from intern to associate level full time employment to being the team lead currently, so basically I will be attaching 3 contracts to prove my claims.
On the other comments, I will reflect on them. Thanks a lot.
@imaeea In this case, you are right, you can use the multiple employment contracts and write description about each move, each point, and so on. The progression track record can prove be one of the prove that you are a potential leader.
Additionally, if you can prove your leadership about number of team member you manage or high salary, it may be good idea to add them too.