Hello everyone,
I’m currently preparing my Global Talent application as a Data Analyst with 6 years of experience. I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback on my profile, evidence, and overall approach.
Thank you in advance for your help and guidance!
Note: Unfortunately, since I only spent about less than 12 months at my previous jobs, most of my evidence focuses on my current role.
I’d love your thoughts on:
- Whether my headings make sense
- Any ideas for reorganizing or improving the categories
- If I should include volunteer work for small groups (~60 people) or leave it out
- If using the star method for every single piece of evidence might be overkill
Mandatory Criteria (MC)
- MC1: Automation Tool
- Created a tool to speed up offline data analysis.
- Evidence: Reference letter (R&D Manager), project details, source code, infrastructure design, and impact stats.
- MC2: Personal Website
- A site I run with tips, cheat sheets, and articles for data analysts.
- Evidence: Screenshots, daily visitors (by country), and sample articles (5k total visits so far).
- MC3: Contract
- Shows my growth and commitment to the company (renewal, alternative offer, salary progression, and market comparisons).
Optional Criteria (OC2)
- OC2.1: Publications
- Articles on Hackernoon, Newsletter, and Medium (roughly 8k reads total).
- OC2.2: Volunteer Experience
- Gave talks at 3 small meetups (~60 attendees each).
- Evidence: Feedback from a CEO on LinkedIn after I posted about these events, screenshots and feedbacks from attendees.
Optional Criteria (OC3)
- OC3.1: Implementation Lead
- Led the switch from a custom in-house system to a 3rd-party tool.
- Evidence:impact, numbers, proof that I led for this switch, process/governance improvements, presentations at company all-hands, LinkedIn feedback from the vendor, and a reference letter (CTO).
- OC3.2: Company Initiative – Attribution Model
- Updated our calculation model for better strategic decisions.
- Evidence: Reference letter (Group Product Manager), Jira task history, dashboard usage metrics, and meeting notes from domain leads.
- OC3.3: Another Initiative
- Additional work on a different company project.
- Evidence: Reference letter (Engineering Manager), Jira tasks, alert setups, and dashboard usage stats.
- OC3.4: Optimisation Project
- Revolutionising X companies Data Infrastructure with Event-Based Scheme (I was the data anlayst lead of team)
- Evidence: Reference letter (Head of Data), Jira tasks, project steps, feedbacks, stats by cost optimisation, stats by data governance approach.
- CTO at Company A
- Engineering Manager at Company B (we previously worked together at Company A)
- Head of Product at Company A
Extra References
- R&D Manager at Company A
- Group Product Manager at Company A
- Head of Data at Company A