Requesting Feedback on My Data Analyst Profile for Global Talent

Hello everyone,

I’m currently preparing my Global Talent application as a Data Analyst with 6 years of experience. I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback on my profile, evidence, and overall approach.

Thank you in advance for your help and guidance!

Note: Unfortunately, since I only spent about less than 12 months at my previous jobs, most of my evidence focuses on my current role.

I’d love your thoughts on:

  1. Whether my headings make sense
  2. Any ideas for reorganizing or improving the categories
  3. If I should include volunteer work for small groups (~60 people) or leave it out
  4. If using the star method for every single piece of evidence might be overkill

Mandatory Criteria (MC)

  • MC1: Automation Tool
    • Created a tool to speed up offline data analysis.
    • Evidence: Reference letter (R&D Manager), project details, source code, infrastructure design, and impact stats.
  • MC2: Personal Website
    • A site I run with tips, cheat sheets, and articles for data analysts.
    • Evidence: Screenshots, daily visitors (by country), and sample articles (5k total visits so far).
  • MC3: Contract
    • Shows my growth and commitment to the company (renewal, alternative offer, salary progression, and market comparisons).

Optional Criteria (OC2)

  • OC2.1: Publications
    • Articles on Hackernoon, Newsletter, and Medium (roughly 8k reads total).
  • OC2.2: Volunteer Experience
    • Gave talks at 3 small meetups (~60 attendees each).
    • Evidence: Feedback from a CEO on LinkedIn after I posted about these events, screenshots and feedbacks from attendees.

Optional Criteria (OC3)

  • OC3.1: Implementation Lead
    • Led the switch from a custom in-house system to a 3rd-party tool.
    • Evidence:impact, numbers, proof that I led for this switch, process/governance improvements, presentations at company all-hands, LinkedIn feedback from the vendor, and a reference letter (CTO).
  • OC3.2: Company Initiative – Attribution Model
    • Updated our calculation model for better strategic decisions.
    • Evidence: Reference letter (Group Product Manager), Jira task history, dashboard usage metrics, and meeting notes from domain leads.
  • OC3.3: Another Initiative
    • Additional work on a different company project.
    • Evidence: Reference letter (Engineering Manager), Jira tasks, alert setups, and dashboard usage stats.
  • OC3.4: Optimisation Project
    • Revolutionising X companies Data Infrastructure with Event-Based Scheme (I was the data anlayst lead of team)
    • Evidence: Reference letter (Head of Data), Jira tasks, project steps, feedbacks, stats by cost optimisation, stats by data governance approach.


  1. CTO at Company A
  2. Engineering Manager at Company B (we previously worked together at Company A)
  3. Head of Product at Company A

Extra References

  • R&D Manager at Company A
  • Group Product Manager at Company A
  • Head of Data at Company A

I’d really appreciate your feedback! @Francisca_Chiedu, @alexnk , @alex_james , @ask4jubad , @LizzyOrji, @May, @pahuja, @Shreeniwas_Iyer, @hsafra

Your evidence seems weak.

MC1: Focus on how you lead the project to demonstrate your exceptional leader.
MC2: This is a weak evidence. I dont suggest you to include it. If you really want to include it, perhaps you may include this as 1 page of 1 evidence of OC2. But this is still very weak, unless you have a good reference of LOR or company talked about your paper/output.
MC3: This seems alright. If it is competitive, you can also add the salary benchmark of your country as well. You can also include the team members you managed as org chart as well, but be sure that LOR support your words, to avoid the self-autorship.

OC2-1: Still weak
OC2-2: If they are not major events about digital tech field, this can be considered unqualified or weak.

OC3: looks good all arounds.


  • I feel that your evidence are still weak in MC and especially OC2 for ET route.
  • When you say “initiatives”, are you able to make them an inovative idea which you led, for OC1?
  • For ET route, you will need at least 2 strong evidence in each criterion to be qualified as exceptional talent.

I hope this helps. @azizepalali

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