Rejection: Please assist with appeal

Hi all

Thank you for this great site. I used much of the info here for my own application but have unfortunately been rejected and was wondering if anyone could assist me with my appeal.

Original submission


  1. Commanded high salary or remuneration: A screenshot of my contract + a screenshot of a Glassdoor range for similar roles. This was declined for “Whilst the evidence of salary proves employment, this isn’t a form of recognition on a national or international scale”
  2. Significant contributor to open source projects: I’m a founding member of an internationl organisation to expand the field further and attached a certificate indication this. This was declined for “there is not sufficient detail to prove its recognition on a national or international
  3. Received nationally/internationally recognized awards. I won an award at an international conference (but hosted by the company I worked for). I sent only an official document stating this. This was declined for “the candidate hasn’t provided enough detail about this
    award to prove this is a form of recognition as a leading talent on a national or international scale”


  1. Op-ed authored or news article published exemplifying thought leadership: An article snippet where a former employer talks about a contribution I made (but not by name). It was declined for “this article featured the candidate talking about his occupation rather than work beyond his occupation”
  2. Evidence of contributions to an open-source project: I wrote an open-source book about the field and submitted a screenshot of the views but this was declined for “this only proves recognition, not ongoing recognition, for work beyond the candidate’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field”
  3. Evidence of mentorship or thought leadership outside immediate occupation: I volunteered a mentor to a few people internationally. I submitted a few snippets of what my mentees said about me and how successful they have become. This was declined for “there needs to be more detail regarding whether it fits the requirements of programs considered for optional criteria 2- including if it was a structured mentored program”


  1. Employment contract with salary, earnings history bonus & equity: I submitted a different salary history in a different country and company showcasing high earnings with screenshots similar to MC1.
  2. Evidence of significant contribution towards commercial success: I submitted screenshot of my old company’s financials where they showcased work I did. Both 1 and 2 were declined for “Still, there needs to be more evidence as to how directly the candidate contributed to that result.”
  3. Letter from Employer detailing contributions: I submitted a 4th letter from a different person and a global leader in the field I’m in. It was declined for “more is needed to prove a significant contribution to the field through a product-led digital technology company”

Please can you assist with the following?

  1. What template should I follow to prove earnings as these were both declined. I’m more than 80% above the median for my role
  2. My book is recognition but not on-going recognition, would the views over time suffice? I only released it recently so there’s only 3 months of views
  3. Can I write long pieces of information in my evidence to give them more context? I basically just showed the screenshots and explained what they were
  4. for OC2.3, should I ask my referee to rewrite showcasing some significant contribution to the field?
  5. For MC2, should I showcase some events that the organisation has done?
  6. How do I showcase details of the mentorship programme? Do I need something official from the organisers of the programme? Or will evidence of the discussions/events be ok?
  7. Is it worth it for me to appeal?
  8. Any other feedback/suggestions would be great

Thank you in advance

Hi @tgsg sorry about the outcome! It will help people here give better feedback if you can share the TN feedback snapshot.

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Thanks @pahuja. The outcome is below

Hi @tgsg

It looks like you should have provided way more context and evidence in your original application (which you seem to have like you say).

Unfortunately in appeal you cannot add any new piece of information or evidence. You can only redirect the assessor to parts of the original application which disprove their assessment feedback.

In this case since it seems your original application lacked a lot of what more you could have provided, a new application would be better.

Having said that, appeal is free of cost and if certain feedback points can be addressed within original application itself you should anyway do that. You will get more relevant feedback that will be helpful in your next application.