Reject, appeal, endorsed!šŸŒŸ Even if you are Not Typical, Don't Give Up -

As the year draws to a close, I want to share a reflection and a message of hope for those of you considering or currently navigating the Tier 1 Global Talent Visa journey.

Earlier this year, I received my Global Talent Visa. Looking back, it wasnā€™t an easy path, but it was one filled with lessons and unexpected triumphs.

ā€œI suggest you donā€™t waste your time.ā€
Those were the words I heard when I first asked for advice. I remember the moment vividly: standing at the Shard, talking to a young Global Talent Visa holder, and feeling a wave of self-doubt. Even a friendly neighbor (a software engineer) later said, ā€œYou donā€™t have the experience.ā€

But what else could I do but try? :muscle:
Lao Tzu said, ā€œThe journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.ā€

So, I started leveraging what I had:
:sparkles: My working experience
:sparkles: My volunteering efforts
:sparkles: My podcast platform

The initial application was intenseā€”drafting, rewriting, facing rejection. When I received a ā€œnoā€ on New Yearā€™s Eve, it felt devastating. But that rejection came with feedback, and feedback meant I could try again.

To anyone standing where I once was: donā€™t give up if itā€™s a ā€˜noā€™ at first. Find out why, appeal if you can, or reapply with a stronger case. Persistence truly pays off.

This visa isnā€™t just about entering the UK. Itā€™s a testament to resilience, the power of belief, and the idea that what seems impossible can become possible with relentless effort.

:bulb: If youā€™re considering the Tier 1 Global Talent Visa, here are some of my learnings:

  1. Start with what you have. Showcase your unique skills and contributionsā€”even if they donā€™t seem ā€œtraditionalā€ for tech.
  2. Use rejection as fuel. Feedback is goldā€”improve, reapply, or appeal.
  3. Build your case. From personal statements to leveraging achievements, craft a compelling narrative about why you are a global talent.

:sparkles: Ready for more tips? I created a video sharing my step-by-step journey, from rejection to approval in just 3 months. Watch it here: They Said I Couldnā€™t: How I Got My UK Global Talent Visa

If youā€™re unsure about yourself or your qualifications, remember this: you are capable of more than you think. Take the first step, and see where it leads. :rainbow:


Congratulations! Can you post your timeline for this process until you were endorsed?

Thank you! Yea thatā€™s all in the video around 4:46 Iā€™ve mentioned the timeline. Thank you!

@Lydia_C Thank you so much. It was a nice video and all details included. Thank you and congratulations.

Thank you Iā€™m glad itā€™s helpful!!

Hi, I just watched your video but it didnā€™t mention how long the Appeal timeline was