Is 2 pages of recommendation letter too small? I have a recommendation letter from my CTO detailing the impact of some of my works and how he knows me and all that but it’s at 2 pages. Is that alright?
The letters need to be up to 3 pages but they can be shorter. It’s better to have a short letter that has good content that shows impact and leadership than a longer one that’s too general
Thank you @hsafra. I’ve been seeing comments from some applicants who’s application were refused such as “reference letter was too short…” was why I asked.
I was endorsed with 3 LoRs no longer than 2 pages each.
Emphasize the content over the length of the letter. If the letter shows your impact, leadership and contributions to digital tech, preferably with concrete examples, that’s a good letter to have.
Oooh! That’s nice then… Thanks @hsafra. This sure helps and also, congrats on the endorsement as well.
Thanks It’s been quite a while ago.
Good luck with your application