Its clearly said that Evidence files ( I am lead Devops Engineer )
The information requested below relates to the ten evidence files that you will upload as part of your application.
Please provide the names of documents submitted in support of your mandatory ‘leading talent’ criteria for Exceptional Promise:
Please provide the names of documents submitted in support of your first optional criteria for Exceptional Promise:
Please provide the names of documents submitted in support of your second optional criteria for Exceptional Promise:
I choose these two Criteria :
1 - Innovation as a founder of a product led digital technology company or as an employee working on a new digital field or concept
3 - Have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder or employee of a product-led digital technology company
Now my questions are:
what should be the names of the documents?
like i work for a company like Fin tech and Risk Assessment product based.
which will be my documents from these three criteria’s ( MC first and then OC )