Proving contribution for an engineer from a big corp

Hi, I worked at FAANG for many years and I’ve worked on several products/projects that have significant impact and media coverage. However, in a big company, most media coverage won’t mention specific engineer’s names (it’s a team work!)

What are some common approaches to prove my contribution/connection to these products? A couple ideas I have so far:

  • Reference letter from the leadership of the products. However, the guide says “Evidence of recognition, such as Reference Letters, provided by an immediate colleague, manager, or friend are not sufficient.”
  • Award letter granted by the leadership of the product after the product is launched. However, the guide says “Internal company awards, training or certificates are also not sufficient for meeting this criterion.”
  • Screenshot of design docs or code submissions. However, this is against my company’s NDA.

Are the above mentioned TN requirements apply for the evidence itself or they apply for the “proof of contribution” part as well?

For example, for each evidence, if I provide 1) one media coverage of the product to proof the innovation/impact and 2) one internal award letter to prove my contribution to that product. Is that sufficient?



More is always better. The two evidences you mentioned should be enough, but add a summary page talking about your impact there as well.

@ky404 This looks good! If you can get a reference letter from the person in the media even better.