Senior Software Engineer working at a retail chain in EU. Have held several research and development roles specifically in digital payments and automation.
Recommendation Letters
CEO of a UK based comapny. Previously, my direct manager at company X
Radiologist and Health tech Researcher. Also a board member at company X
Renowned professor (UK)
Stackoverflow 6k reputation and ~700k people reached + GitHub profile (where I have contributed to some open source projects)
Evidence about an open source digital wallet with links to notable PRs, commits
Evidence of journal reviewer where I completed one journal review for a paper
High Salary Percentile in job at company X
Reference Letter from CEO of a UK based start up I helped cofound and led in various tech sprints
Reference letter from Vice President Technology of company Y (where I currently work) with mentions on how the tools I help build millions of customers and orders
High Salary Percentile in job at company Y
Two first author journal publications with their citations and impact
Three second author publications with their citations and impact
Reference letter from a renowned professor who also co-authored a couple of my publications, MSc Transcript (Distinction)
Your evidence portfolio appears well-structured and comprehensive.
For Mandatory Criteria, using Stackoverflow reputation alongside GitHub contributions demonstrates community impact. However, consider expanding the journal reviewer evidence to show more sustained involvement, as a single review might be seen as limited.
For Optional Criteria 3, your evidence effectively showcases both startup leadership and enterprise impact. The reference letters from the UK startup CEO and VP Technology provide concrete validation of your contributions to significant digital products. The academic evidence under Optional Criteria 4 is particularly strong. The distinction in your MSc adds further credibility to your academic achievements.
One suggestion would be to consider adding evidence of speaking engagements or industry event participation if available, as this could further demonstrate thought leadership. Additionally, quantifying the impact of your open-source digital wallet project with usage statistics or community adoption metrics could strengthen that evidence.
@laumair Its a good set! Ensure your letters talk about your specific contributions and quantified impact plus national/international recognition and advancement of field through your work! Good luck