Hello everyone!
Looking for advice on my case
I want to apply as a Product manager Exceptional Promise
I worked as the the software Developer, before starting my Product manager career.
I have 1.5 years of Product management experience and 2.5 years of software development experience. However I do not have enough evidence if I try to apply as the Product manager without my software development background.
Does such a mix of qualification make sense when applying as the Product manager?
lor 1 - Head of corporal education of the large IT company (MC 2.)
lor 2 - Head of the large marketing agency. This was my freelance project (OC3 1.)
lor 3 - CEO of the medical company, where I led multiple IT integration and development projects (OC3 2.)
- Product Lead at the current workplace (speeches, metrics)
- Lead Full-stack Developer for the educational platform + junior developers mentor
- GitHub 500+ open source commits, stars on my repositories
- Multiple hackathon participation
- Developer career - salary and commits evidence and freelance projects that were delivered in parallel with the main job.
- Led high impact IT projects in medicine.