Product Designer: I would like a review of my application for Exceptional Promise

Hello everyone, I would love to apply for global talent visa under the exceptional promise category

Over the last few months, I’ve gone through the website countless times to check requirements and merge criteria that I think I qualify for.

This is what I have been able to come up with, and I would love your review and feedback

Personal Statement


Recommendation letters

Recommendation Letter 1: * innovation as a an employee that have led the design team on redesign of a great banking app bringing about innovation - From Group Head in my current company

Recommendation Letter 2: * a proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field - I run a podcast for tech enthusiast where I interview industry leaders within design, development and product space to share knowledge from their experience for individual and organisational growth.

Recommendation Letter 3: * have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder of a product-led digital technology company - I am a cofounder of an online art gallery featuring African product and we have been able to raise over 2million in investment and recently participated in the total energies startup week

Mandatory criteria

M.C 1: You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company - I led the redesign of a prominent MFB in Nigeria and can get a reference letter
M.C 2: You led the growth of a non-profit organisation or social enterprise with a specific focus on the digital technology sector - I serve as a product strategist and mentor for a non-profit product school and am currently designing their website for free
M.C 3: You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services - I believe I do, so I will have to check using sites like glassdoor (I will appreciate any other idea on this too)
M.C 4: You have received nationally or internationally recognised prizes or awards for excellence specifically in the digital technology sector - I received an award from a panel session I anchored as a product designer and podcaster

Optional criteria

O.C 1: * Evidence of mentorship must be for activity outside the applicant’s organisation or normal course of work duties and excludes mentorship of other commercial organisations as part of a commercial arrangement. - I’m currently mentoring some aspiring designers from Hacksultan mentorship on twitter

O.C 2: Starting or contributing to open source projects in a way that has been acknowledged by peers as advancing the field - On September 3rd, 2024, we will launch IBS Systems, a platform designed to empower tech professionals with robust design systems and resources to streamline workflows, foster collaboration, and drive innovation

O.C 3: *How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as an employee of a product-led digital technology company(Impact) - 5months ago, I designed an ecomerce site for a product company

O.C 4: **How do I demonstrate that I have a proven track record or examples of innovation in the digital technology sector as an employee working in a new digital field or concept?(innovation) - 2 years ago I worked in a software development company and greatly contributed to the design of a product in government and it brought out revenue

I’m confused, which two OC’s are you choosing?

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It looks like you’re aiming for OC2 & 3 but please divide the evidence between them so it’ll be clear for us.

MC4 - how many people attended the event? being part of a panel is generally not vrey strong

O.C 1 - is this a structured mentorship program?

O.C 2 - you can’t use future events as evidence

O.C 3 - did you design this for the product company at a freelancing / consultancy capcity or did you work there? Consulting doesn’t count for work evidence.

Hello Nat, I will be choosing OC 1 and OC 3

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Earlier I choose two evidence from OC 3 and one evidence each from OC 1 & 2. But based on your feedback and questions, I believe choosing two evidence each from OC 3 and OCI will be alot more beneficial

OC 3 How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company

My evidence are;

  1. The ecomerce product (yes it was a one time contract so I will have to work on replacing that as you mentioned)
  2. On September 3rd, 2024, we will launch IBS Systems, a platform designed to empower tech professionals with robust design systems and resources to streamline workflows, foster collaboration, and drive innovation

(I hope to apply for the endorsement a month from September 3rd)

OC 1 How do I demonstrate that I have a proven track record or examples of innovation in the digital technology sector as a founder or senior executive of a product-led digital technology company or an employee working in a new digital field or concept?

My evidence are;

  1. Two(2) years ago I worked in a software development company and greatly contributed to the design of a product in government and it brought out revenue
  2. Employment contract with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings within the software company


OC3, point 2: If you submit it a month after go live TN may deem it too be too new. You’ll need to explain very carefully that it’s was a long project and just happens to go live so close to date you submit.

OC1 is about personal innovation. Can you demonstrate it?

  1. If that’s work done by a software company for the government it probably falls under that consultancy clause and you can’t use it

This excludes general consultancies, outsourcing and technology-related consultancy groups focused on process/service delivery or solutions/systems architecture. Such firms do not meet the guidelines, particularly those primarily serving large corporate or multinational corporate (MNC) customers.

  1. An employment contact and bonus fit more into MC high salary evidence. The contract info in OC1 is to prove that you’re holding a senior position in a company in a new digital field or that you’ve received special recognition from that company for your innovation.

Alright, thank you so much for your time and for explaining in detail

I have to rework my optional criteria again.

I will update you when am done, thank you

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So I’ve gone back to the board and updated my evidences and these are the evidences I wish to apply with. Please help me review, thank you

Evidences I would love to apply with

1.* innovation as a an employee that have led the design team on redesign of a great corebanking platform bringing about innovation and my work on other projects within the product-based company- From Group Head in my current company

2: * My work on a startup that ensures rural areas in Nigeria has light especially for market women so they can able to sell at night. This project progressed to provide solar panels for homes and offices. I worked on the logo, graphics and also ui/ux. Reference letter from founder talks about this and how I was an exceptional member in the enactus team some years ago (which was where we met and also when and I developed the visual direction for another of his startup)

Letter 3: Reference from my first employer as a product designer stating my contribution to designing the company’s website and my role as lead in designing a product that improves voting system in government paliament in Nigeria

Mandatory criteria

  1. Reference letter from my current manager speaking about my work on the corebanking system
  2. Evidence that I command a high salary and history of earnings. Show increase in my salary too
  3. Reference from Faculty advisor and project head of social enterprise stating my excellent contributions to enactus forum in my school and a business we worked on. The growth and impact of the business on enactus and the entire student community. I worked on all branding for this product and also web app(mobile and web). This business has since 2021 been receiving grants, awards and also helped enactus in my campus come 3rd in the national competition
  4. Financial report, design screenshots

Optional criteria 2

I run a podcast for tech enthusiast where I interview industry leaders within design, development and product space to share knowledge from their experience for individual and organisational growth.

Evidence a. Reference letter from a a guest stating her experience coming on my podcast and also talks about the community of young adults that listen to my podcast. She’s a manager in her skill and also run a podcast

Evidence b. Podcast metrics across all streaming platforms and invite to anchor a panel I got June 2024 and after the panel I received an award form the panel organisers. The panel organisers got recommended to me by individuals that listen to my podcast

Evidence c. Evidence as a keynote speaker at an conference. The organisation equips Nigerians with tech skills and i was invited to speak to adolescent and young adults on the importance of getting a profittable skill and why tech skill is important in our time and age. A virtual conference with over 150 attendies from different states across the country

Optional criteria 3

I am a cofounder of an online art gallery featuring African product(I serve as a board member) and we have been able to raise over 2million in investment(no revenues yet) and recently participated in the total energies startup week

Evidence 1. Reference from the founder in relation to my work. I created all designs from logo to the web application. Link to the platform

Evidence 2. Figma screens, pitch deck, email trail inviting him for pitch, my work with devs, investors feedback

Evidence 3. Reference letter founder of a product company where I designed an ecommerce website(am considering removing this)

@hsafra @Nat

So I’ve gone back to the board and updated my evidences and these are the evidences I wish to apply with. Please help me review, thank you

Evidences I would love to apply with

1.* innovation as a an employee that have led the design team on redesign of a great corebanking platform bringing about innovation and my work on other projects within the product-based company- From Group Head in my current company

2: * My work on a startup that ensures rural areas in Nigeria has light especially for market women so they can able to sell at night. This project progressed to provide solar panels for homes and offices. I worked on the logo, graphics and also ui/ux. Reference letter from founder talks about this and how I was an exceptional member in the enactus team some years ago (which was where we met and also when and I developed the visual direction for another of his startup)

Letter 3: Reference from my first employer as a product designer stating my contribution to designing the company’s website and my role as lead in designing a product that improves voting system in government paliament in Nigeria

Mandatory criteria

  1. Reference letter from my current manager speaking about my work on the corebanking system
  2. Evidence that I command a high salary and history of earnings. Show increase in my salary too
  3. Reference from Faculty advisor and project head of social enterprise stating my excellent contributions to enactus forum in my school and a business we worked on. The growth and impact of the business on enactus and the entire student community. I worked on all branding for this product and also web app(mobile and web). This business has since 2021 been receiving grants, awards and also helped enactus in my campus come 3rd in the national competition
  4. Financial report, design screenshots

Optional criteria 2

I run a podcast for tech enthusiast where I interview industry leaders within design, development and product space to share knowledge from their experience for individual and organisational growth.

Evidence a. Reference letter from a a guest stating her experience coming on my podcast and also talks about the community of young adults that listen to my podcast. She’s a manager in her skill and also run a podcast

Evidence b. Podcast metrics across all streaming platforms and invite to anchor a panel I got June 2024 and after the panel I received an award form the panel organisers. The panel organisers got recommended to me by individuals that listen to my podcast

Evidence c. Evidence as a keynote speaker at an conference. The organisation equips Nigerians with tech skills and i was invited to speak to adolescent and young adults on the importance of getting a profittable skill and why tech skill is important in our time and age. A virtual conference with over 150 attendies from different states across the country

Optional criteria 3

I am a cofounder of an online art gallery featuring African product(I serve as a board member) and we have been able to raise over 2million in investment(no revenues yet) and recently participated in the total energies startup week

Evidence 1. Reference from the founder in relation to my work. I created all designs from logo to the web application. Link to the platform

Evidence 2. Figma screens, pitch deck, email trail inviting him for pitch, my work with devs, investors feedback

Evidence 3. Reference letter founder of a product company where I designed an ecommerce website(am considering removing this)