Please review my evidence: Entrepreneurship, Technical Background Product Manager

I have updated my application. Can someone help review it? I really appreciated it !

Recommendation Letters

LOR 1 is from a digital expert working at an F50 firm (Client A), which has been my client since 2009.

LOR 2 is from the General Manager of the fuel retail business sector at a global FinTech Company Ant (Client B), who was my client in 2015.

LOR 3 is from the CEO of my previous startup company, who was also the angel investor of my company in 2014.

Mandatory Criteria

MC - I co-founded and led the growth of a product-led digital company; developed and published multiple platforms successfully. All evidence is within the last 5 years.

1). Shareholder agreement + Working Evidence

Evidence includes the Shareholder agreement, breakdown of investors and founders’ shares, the statement provided by the company confirming that I am the company’s founder, organisational chart and important products I worked on.

2). Two reference letters further solidify my value in leading product and technology. One is from the sales director of a top 6 digital payment company in China. Another is from the CTO of my UK company, who is my direct reporter.

3). The SaaS platform I led, supported by evidence like a patent, payment system architecture diagrams and ER diagram, meeting notes with a client, and an email sent to the client.

4). The B2B product I led at the UK company, as evidenced by the meeting notes, photos, requirement doc, project plan, chat messages, and the doubled increase of the enterprise client contracts by providing the total number of contracts signed before and after the product launch.

Optional Criteria

OC 1 - Evidence of innovation/product development; I co-founded and led the technical and product design.Some evidence is older than 5 years.


1). Patent. I provided Patent Verified ID on Google Patent, a description of the patent explaining its innovative aspects, process flow, handwriting diagram, and performance matrix to showcase the performance has increased by 90 times.

2). The first product platform implemented for a Fortune 50 firm (Client A), which is used by 20M+ users. I included a media report which mentioned the product was innovative, list of innovative aspects, Java code that I wrote, emails sent to the client, and a contract signed in 2023.

3). The second product platform was deployed for another F50 firm (Client B). I provided a list of innovative aspects, my contributions, a media report of the product (me and my company were not mentioned), meeting notes, handwriting system architecture, two contracts signed in 2020 and 2023.

OC 3 - I demonstrated that I have made a significant technology contribution to the field as a founder of a product-led digital technology company. Some evidence is older than 5 years.

1). Impact of my Patent: A reference letter from my previous company’s R&D director who outlines the savings in technical costs and the overall impact of the patent.

2). Technical Impact of the SaaS platform. I provide product screenshots, handwriting architecture diagrams, user data and revenue in the last 6 years, a sales contract signed in 2021.

3). Technical Impact of the first product platform (Client A). I provided screenshots of the product, technical proposal that I sent to the client along with an email, user data, payment transaction data and revenue in the past 6 years, and a media report which highlights the product’s impact.


  1. As most of my referrers do not have a LinkedIn profile, should I provide a comprehensive CV or is it enough to highlight their career achievements in some sentences?

  2. How to prove that the user data, revenue I provided are authentic? This data was sent by my previous college through a chat box, so is it sufficient to provide a screenshot of the chat message? But the screenshot just shows he sent me a file.