Please help to evaluate my profile

Hi everyone,

I am applying for the exceptional promise category under tech for software development. Listed below are the prepared documents, please help me review my profile to evaluate. Your feedback is greatly appreciated

I am currently a Senior Engineer currently in the UK and applying for exceptional talent promise with about 4 years and a few months old for professional experience.

Note: I can’t use my current employer as I was told it isn’t a product-led organization.

Letter of recommendation:

  1. My previous company A(CTO and Co-founder)
  2. My other previous company, a lead we worked together in company B(Now works as a Principal Engineer in the USA)
  3. From (Co-founder of a skill development & job marketplace platform for young African talents) I was a web instructor for over a year) more like a part-time role.
  4. From another lead from company B who now works as a Software Engineer at Google


  • High Salary and an Employment letter from my last role in Nigeria(currently I am in the UK)
  • You have held or hold a significant expert role participating on panels, or individually, assessing the work of others in the same field or a field of specialization related to the digital technology sector.
    • Evidence 1: Code Reviews of colleagues’ work at previous Company A (3 PRs screenshots)
    • Evidence 2: Code Reviews of works at a previous Company B (2/3 PRs screenshots)


  • Company A : Discuss my work at my previous employer where I was the lead despite being a mid-level engineer, discuss how I was able to be part of this innovative idea in an emerging space(fintech for energy), this will include how I was able to take up the role in leading the team to ensure the product is delivered, how innovative this new product is and how I ensured this innovation was delivered within the expected timeframe
    • Evidence :
      • Discussion on the product
      • Code snippets of features I worked on
      • Proof of product UI and website
      • screenshot of the recommendation letter from CTO
  • Company B: Also discuss another product I worked on previously, for a non-profit organization,
    • Evidence Discussion:
      • I was part of the engineers who implemented version 2 of the web platform. This includes revamping the entire platform from a UI/UX design perspective as well as adding new business features,
      • We built a chatbot, which was like an innovation based on customer needs. I have screenshots of features I worked on, a video of the chatbot process


  • Bootcamp facilitator assistant at my previous employer(outside of working hours, we were not paid for it, just a way of giving back), I have screenshots of the code review of the boot campers I mentored during this 4weeks+ boot camp program to show that. I am thinking maybe I can get a letter from the company to indicate this.
  • I was a mentor at She codes Africa( for some weeks, and I am thinking of explaining the mentorship process(as I was told this wasn’t field advancing in my previous application).
  • My Personal initiative(started in 2021):, will explain the process, I have screenshots of calls, slack communication while mentoring these developers.


Having worked as a key engineer in the core product of a start-up, showing evidence as to how you have contributed to its success.

Thinking of writing on the above as I am not sure my evidences for OC2 are strong enough.

  • So this would be a discussion on some key features from my last employer, can’t use my current employer as I was told it isn’t a product-led organisation
  • Get a reference letter from another co-founder in the company as a back up to my claims

My issue is how I can say with evidence how this impacted, can code snippet or screenshot of the a tool setup be enough?

@alexnk i will really appreciate your review here.

Thank you.

@Afolabi @Francisca_Chiedu @May need you guys help here, thanks a lot.