Optional Criteria 2 Advice

How do I demonstrate that I have been recognized for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector? I two have 2 evidence where I was working outside my main job as product manager.

  1. I served as Technical Advisor - Grants and Partnerships for an NGO where I helped win grants and forged partnerships for a youth focused skills development initiative between 2019 till last 2023. For Evidence, I have seen a News paper publication with corresponding online article where referenced was made to me with a quote I had made during the lunch of one of the session launches. It however does not have a photo of me or a video. The publication was made in 2021. I also have a letter of recommendation.

  2. I currently work in a Project team that delivers change projects for a State Institution in the UK within the Railway Industry. I have been at this for the last 1 year, 2 months. During my 1 year with the company, I received a letter of recognition for my contributions to key projects in the UK railway industry. In addition, I have a letter of recommendation.

Is any of these sufficient to prove recognition?

Hi @Siegfried_Edzordzi_S heres the link to the official TN guidelines with examples of evidences listed under each criteria

@Siegfried_Edzordzi_S according to the Tech Nations guideline, to demonstrate that you have been recognised for your work outside of your immediate occupation, it must be an activity that contributes to the advancement of the sector. The Guideline further highlights examples of relevant evidence, I will suggest that you thoroughly review the guideline.**

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