How do I demonstrate that I have been recognized for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector? I two have 2 evidence where I was working outside my main job as product manager.
I served as Technical Advisor - Grants and Partnerships for an NGO where I helped win grants and forged partnerships for a youth focused skills development initiative between 2019 till last 2023. For Evidence, I have seen a News paper publication with corresponding online article where referenced was made to me with a quote I had made during the lunch of one of the session launches. It however does not have a photo of me or a video. The publication was made in 2021. I also have a letter of recommendation.
I currently work in a Project team that delivers change projects for a State Institution in the UK within the Railway Industry. I have been at this for the last 1 year, 2 months. During my 1 year with the company, I received a letter of recognition for my contributions to key projects in the UK railway industry. In addition, I have a letter of recommendation.
Is any of these sufficient to prove recognition?