Letter of Recommendation help

Hi I’m trying to pick out who to ask for my letter of recommendation.

  1. How “recognized” in the tech sector should the organization be? I’m currently working for a small gaming studio that does outsourcing and I’m worried 1 of my chosen contact is not as recognized as needed to pass.
  2. Do you need to have one that’s an organization within the UK or are countries like US be alright?

Thank you

Make sure your recommenders have good ‘google presense’

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All of my letters of rec came from the US - location doesn’t matter as long as they are recognized. One of my recommenders was simply someone who has been in the industry for a very long time and is high up. Another was a CEO, and another a Dean of my old university. If you’d consider them a leader in your field or industry, then make sure you present them that way to tech nation.

Make sure you make the people you ask for letters aware of the tech nation requirements so they can clarify their industry experience and leadership in their letter.

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