I work as a Machine Learning Engineer. Ready to apply for an Exceptional Promise.
What I have:
LOR from the current company(USA-based) CEO confirming high commercial contribution for a product (though the product belongs to another company) and demonstrating high contribution to the company’s product(not in production yet). Commercial success is a twofold increase in a retention rate of an application. The company’s product is an innovative solution for data analysis.
LOR from a teacher of ML courses and a highly valued industry expert based in the UK, running a start-up.
LOR from a fellow data scientist currently employed as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer in a well known company(no less popular than any of the FANG companies) who was a partner in a Machine Learning competition.
Two bronze and one silver medal in a world-famous competition for Data Scientists - https://www.kaggle.com/
Evidence - participation in an innovative biological project (short-term partnership via Upwork - a freelancer’s website).
Evidence - a description of the machine learning project which led to a twofold increase in the retention rate(also stated in the LOR#1)
You led the marketing or business development at a product-led digital technology company, demonstrably enabling substantial revenue and/or customer growth or major commercial success, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, senior global commercial executives inside the company and/or at company partners/customers, or similar evidence. Evidenced by #1,6
You have received nationally or internationally recognised prizes or awards for excellence specifically in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by the award itself, reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your achievement, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence. Evidenced by #4 Kaggle
You have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events for your particular field in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence (including event size/attendance estimates where possible). Evidenced by #8 The Conference was not big, so this point is a bit weak
1 How do I demonstrate that I have a proven track record or examples of innovation in the digital technology sector as a founder or senior executive of a product-led digital technology company or an employee working in a new digital field or concept? Evidenced by #9,1,6
3 How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company? Evidenced by #9,1
And may be 4 How do I demonstrate that I have exceptional ability in the field by making academic contributions through research? Evidenced by #4
I have added some structure to my description and I hope it would be easier to review.
I am applying as a Machine Learning Engineer with five years of experience on the Exceptional Promise route.
CEO of the current company(based in the USA)
The industry expert who knows me well is a CEO of a startup in the UK.
A fellow data scientist who is a senior engineer at a FANG company. We worked together on a team during a contest, which is how we became familiar.
Personal statement
80% summary of all my achievements
10% why the UK
10% how will UK tech benefit from me
I contributed to significant customer growth of the product at my current workplace, as evidenced by LOR from my CEO. Description of the project
I received three Kaggle awards, as evidenced by the award itself and by the LOR of my teammate.
I contributed to product growth for a bioinformatics company. - Reference letter from the CEO of the company.
OC1 [examples of innovation in the digital technology sector ]
I worked for a technology company in 19-20 on a platform. This platform incorporates patent-protected algorithms for machine learning, statistical analysis, and secure multi-party computation. - As evidence, I attached news clippings about the platform. But I have difficulty reaching out to potential recommenders(Workorounds on a Reference Letter), so I will attach a contract.
OC2 [work beyond immediate occupation]
I have created a machine translator from/to an ancient language. Evidenced by a reference letter from a doctor of Philology(Ph.D).
I participated in a conference and have a publication on medium. I suppose it’s a weak point, but I will show it anyway. Am I right in doing so?
OC3 [significant contribution]
I contributed to significant customer growth of the product at my current workplace, as evidenced by LOR from my CEO. Description of the project
I contributed to product growth for a bioinformatics company. - Reference letter from the CEO of the company.
I increased twice the speed of the application processing when I was employed with a Netherlands company specializing in the automatic cancelation/alteration of air tickets. Also can’t reach potential recommenders. I will attach a contract
Based on my own rejection before, if you feel any evidence is weak, don’t put it there at all. TN assessor will use it against you. Don’t try it. Avoid medium as it’s weak.
For your MC, is there any verifiable evidence (online) for the growth of the products you can add?
OC2: add link to the open source you created so they can see. I hope it’s useful to so many people?
For example, I have contributed to a lot of open source and I used it in my previous application. One of the examples of the open source I contributed to is https://www.npmjs.com/package/flowbite
Just try and show the significant whether through downloads, discussion around it etc
You mentioned you have 5years of experience, ensure nothing in your application state you have more than 5years
MC: Ensure you have online references:
You should show how you contributed to the growth of the product with online references.
Picture/online-reference of the awards
The bioinformatics company you contributed to, was it a consultation? If yes, it is not valid.
I assume you’re going with OC2 and OC3
You should be able to show proof of the language translator aside from the Reference letter
The publication you created on medium is not enough. Do you have pictures/videos of you at the conference, website or any proof of your presence and impact of your participation?
Am I right in doing so? NO
I feel this is a duplication of evidence. Except they’re different. But you’re expected to show the actual contribution here.
Same as 7
The contract is not enough here. You’re expected to show your contribution here too.
It’s maybe 5 years and 2 months by now. Not a big problem?
The CEO confirms my contribution and I explain what I actually was doing, is it enough?
2.3 As for bioinformatics it was a model, so there was code written. But the project was short term and therefore not in the CV. Is it OK? Or shall I put it to the CV?
I guess you mean how popular was the translator among the users?
There are pictures of the conference and there is a video with lots of questions, but it was not too big(about 50 persons) . Does it worth mentioning?
So it’s not a good practice to show one evidence twice if it fits more than one criteria?
@femibiwoye Overall, how low are the chances? Does it worth applying? I’ll try to strengthen my application where possible but I am not sure I will be able to uplift it significantly…
You are right. There are applications that got endorsed for Talent that may not succeed for promise if marked by a different assessor. It is a subjective process, this applicant may just be luck to get through but best to put your best foot forward.
It’s best you show evidences of the actual contribution
2.3 It appears like a gig/freelancing. You’re expected to be an employee for it to be valid. Or it was an open-source project.
Popularity is one thing, more importantly, you should show that the translator actually exists.
Minimum of 100 attendees is expected
Not just a reference letter. It would be best if you show your contribution. E.g code, the architecture you created, etc.