Kindly help me review rejection - Exception promise

Thanks @alexnk
I agree with you. I have actually more than 5 years of experience but in product led it less than 5 years so promise route is suitable for me and easy to prove since it requires at least one evidence in each criteria which I think using my evidences I could prove but it’s unfortunate so far :frowning:

Thanks I will do that… there are total 4 text boxes in review form where I can use all of them to point them about reconsideration. I will draft soon and send here so I will have opportunities to share with experts like you and make strong appeal

Actually MC#3’s contents are already there in OC#3. I mentioned about apps on which I worked for my current and past employer. I added user’s review(screenshots), download github commit screenshot in MC#3. In OC3 content of MC3 + Tech stack’s screenshot of project and increament of user engagement after my contribution. I added XX% increment of user supported by a playstore screenshot

I am familiar with this and in each public talk evidences I added event URL,date, picture of me speaking, number of attendees (in my both talk there were more than 100 attendess)

Yes as I said offer latter is just supporting document. I added two additional evidences where I mentioned how I worked and impacted product bringing more customers.

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Hi @alex_james
Can you please create new post for your question and remove from here as it may break flow of this discussion. All experts are more than happy to assist you. Removing from here will help others as well who have not read this thread yet

Correct… The one who knows me and my work from 2013 and we were in same organisation at that time and we often meet till today. Now he is CEO of his own product led company. In addition to the work which is more than 5 years ago he also mentioned some other work of mine which did in 2020. They could have considered that as recent work
Sure I will mention in appeal that I followed LOR guideline

I was not sure merging two evidences in one doc could lead to rejection. I wonder if it’s actual cause of rejection. Can you please share what do you think on this again ?

It was online event and I showed event url, date, number of attendees, picture of me speaking and small description how this events could lead technology. One was how one can choose career in technology and another one was how technologies are transforming our lives and potential benefits

@Alexandr you can lump evidences together, but they must relate to the one central idea. For instance, you could gather all talks within one document like all open-source contributions can be one evidence.

Thanks @ask4jubad
Then I think I made mistake in some documents. There are two documents which I merged like this. Others are to central idea

MC1 - High Salary and Public Speak

OC2_3 - Open Source & Tech Events (Tech events include public speak, hackathon participations

btw can this lead to rejection?

Hello friends,

I have prepared draft for appeal. It would be highly appreciate if you can look into explanation on each point reviewer raised.

@alexnk @Francisca_Chiedu @Victrr @May @Maya @somdipdey @Yusuf_Adebanjo @Chaitanya_Bapat @ask4jubad @femibiwoye and other experts :pray: :pray:

@Alexandr Woww, I am wondering how the assessor(s) missed this many details.

It would be nice to hear other people’s views on your appeal. For me, I am convinced.

Please check through your responses again and correct misspelt words, omissions and inaccurate grammar [You can use the Grammar function on Microsoft Word or some other tool like Grammarly to spell check].

Also, I think that you should stress that as an exceptional promise applicant you believe that you have fulfilled the requirement to show at least one example of.

It’s difficult to tell because only the assessor can determine this. However, I’ve read before that all documents provided in an evidence file should relate to the same thing (I can’t find the reference again).

But now that you are appealing, you can just point them in the direction that you have organized your evidence.

@Alexandr, you can include the metrics for the ( which has total visit of 14.1M and ( which has 700k+ to show the REACH your publications have had

Thanks @ask4jubad

Yes as you can see I have pointed in MC1.pdf and OC2_3.pdf “In the same document…”

If you can find such reference where this is prohibited please share it may help others in future and(possibly me if appeal rejected though I don’t hope for that)

Thanks again @ask4jubad
May I kindly ask where should I state " I believe as an exceptional promise I have fulfilled…"
I don’t have much space left in some text boxes

Grammarly is nice feedback. I almost forgot about it
I wish I would have used it in Personal statement however it was written in word so I often corrected spelling mistakes

Thanks @alex_james
Sure this will help
I have written one post in as well but that I showed in OC2_2.pdf (communities)
I participated in various jams and one jam was about writing an article about how kids can be benefited from playing educational games and apps. has highest viewership than other two but problem I showed it in OC instead of MC
Can I state it in MC part to make published material stronger?

Yes, you should and include the metrics too.

There’s really nothing to lose now than to demonstrate as much as possible.

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I think for your OC2, you should discuss your open source evidence first. It is your strongest evidence and easily verifiable, the others are difficult to measure how it advance the sector. You need to explain how your contribution to the communities advance the sector. Aside listing the evidence try to explain how you meet the criteria for evidence don’t assume the assessor know the value of your contribution.

  • On the letter of recommendations, beyond the clarity that they’re not your immediate colleague, you should also mention that they are leaders with high profile.

Generally, your appeal looks good.


Thanks @Francisca_Chiedu
I really appreciate

Thanks @femibiwoye
Makes a good sense

@Victrr @Maya @somdipdey @Yusuf_Adebanjo @Chaitanya_Bapat would you please share your feedback as well if you think it will make appeal more convincing.
This is my last chance and I do not want to skip any important details you might come up. I am also very thankful to those experts who have already commented… :pray:

Hey others have given really good feedback already. I dont think I can add more value to it. Good luck with the appeal, hope you get it!


Hey guys,

May I kindly ask if Hackathon participation(only participation) is suitable for MC or OC2… In my evidences I added it in OC2. I am not sure I did right or wrong and in review I cannot change so trying to know if anyone can share their view
