How to write inside the review/appeal form?

I was rejected on my Talent application for which I plan to submit the review form mentioned here:

  1. Can you please tell me how to “write” inside this PDF? Can I just use any random PDF editor and write inside the PDF via that?
  2. Do I need to convert it to doc and then write it?
  3. Also there’s no word limit mentioned in any of the boxes, so does this mean that my explanation need not be confined within any word limits?

Thank you for your help @Francisca_Chiedu @pahuja @May @hsafra @alexnk !

Sorry to hear @cosmic.wilderness

Yes you need to convert to word, write then convert back to pdf and mail on the email provided.

No word limit.

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Thank you very much @pahuja!

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@cosmic.wilderness what was the reason of rejection and for how many critera have they rejected you ?

As far as I know, you can write directly into the formml: