How do I help my recommenders know more about me

Good afternoon TN Alumni Forum.

Please my seniors, its been a concern to me on how my recommenders will know and remember all about me. They are all CEO’s/Founders of their own companies but they are not in the state where I am.

So my small question now is how do I help them know more about me, from when we met last till date. I have received an award and a special recognition that they are not aware of except that I told them. I have done so much that they are not aware of except the ones I told them about via phone and messages.

Your kind advice will be appreciated.

Thank you

Hi @mnwuzor, I honestly think that if you’re still doubtful about the level of your familiarity with these 3 recommenders, you should probably seek new ones. Because from what I’ve gathered, the recommenders have to write generously about your exceptionalism. It won’t help your case if all 3 of them only speak about one award or one project you worked on, instead they should write uniquely about how they perceive you to be an outstanding candidate who deserves the GTV endorsement. The format of the LOR is stated in the TN guideline, so you may need to revisit it and see how robust each letter must be (2 pages at least).

Also, bear in mind that how much they know about your work is equally as important as how long they’ve known you for (at least 12 months). Their current location doesn’t necessarily affect anything. But make sure that all three corroborate the future UK plans you stated in your personal statement.

For your next steps, you need to have a quick call with each of the 3 ReComs and notify them about your plans and what’s required of them. Ideally, a recommender ought to know what to write about you already. However, they may request a draft from you and subsequently rewrite it in their own words. In any case, just endeavour to read the TN guideline on the LOR format and share same with your ReComs.


Thank you so so much Popo_Aguda @Popo_Aguda

I note all you have stated. By The format of the LOR is stated in the TN guideline, so you may need to revisit it and see how robust each letter must be (2 pages at least)., I believe you mean the ones below:

Three letters of recommendation from three different well-established individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of your work over a period of 12 months or more, supporting your Global Talent application, which include all of the following:

Each person who writes a letter for you must:

-Be a senior member of their organisation
-Know your work

Each letter must:

  • Be about your Global Talent application - you cannot use a letter that was written for another reason
    Explain how the author knows the applicant; and
  • Knows the applicant’s achievements in the relevant field; and
    -How the author considers the applicant shows exceptional talent or promise; and
    the contribution the applicant would make to the UK digital economy.

Once more, I appreciate.