Help with Evidence for OC beyond occupation (Exc. Talent)

Hello! I’m a software engineer and I am collecting evidence of my work for a tech NGO that focuses on migrants and minorities in Tech. I have done a lot here, like organizing events, fundraising, mentoring and so on.

I am wondering if screenshots of emails and slack messages are valid as evidence of volunteering. I have also documents (like presentations) with comments from other members of the NGO, and a certificate stating I have 200 hours of voluntering. I am a very private person and I didn’t allow them to publish my name.

Is this good enough?

You can get a support letter from the NGO stating your significant contribution in their growth towards digital economy.

You can also get testimonials from mentees.

Internal emails & slack messages are insufficient evidence.

Thanks for the quick answer!
The project manager that I worked with back then (2021-2022) is not longer working there. Would it be ok if she writes the letter with all my contributions?
Edit: I forgot to ask, if I have given free courses online for minority groups in a curated platform, would this be a good thing to add as well? Would it be enough with the screenshots of the videocall for example?

She can still write a reference letter regarding your contribution.

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