Help me Review my documents for expectional Talent (Product Leader)

@pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu Please help! Application rejected. I need advise on whether to appeal or do a fresh application. Also wondering if I can appeal under EP instead of ET.


  1. Letter from the CEO of an EDTech company I worked with.
  2. Letter from a Head Of Products of a Technology Innovation Company who I have worked with previously.
  3. Letter from the CTO of a Financial firm who was formally my boss in Company A

MC docs

  1. Evidence of Leading Products and Innovation in Company A: I briefly discussed how we started the product team and my role. I included a link to some documentation of internal processes and policies that were introduced by me
  2. Media recognition of the company’s innovation/Personal Publication: I had to state how innovative the company’s approach was to digital technology and that I am a major key player, so these media mentions are relevant evidence to meet this criterion. Also, the attached screenshots and links mentioned my name in them. I attached screenshots from 3 major media outlets, and I added a brief description of what these media houses do, their target audience and details about the publication. I also attached links and screenshots of various small virtual spaces where I spoke about product management.
  3. A reference letter from an SVP of Company A, who spoke about my product leadership role.
  4. Salary and Contracts: A brief history of how my earnings evolved since I started my career in tech. I attached a payscale report showing what an Average person in my role earns, 6 months’ payslips for my current job and details about the benefits being paid to me in my current job.

OC1 docs

  1. Proof of innovation: I spoke about the product team, the products we have built and my role and briefly described 3 major products implemented while leading the team. I attached just a link (not the screenshot) to the Figma designs of these products. The other evidence I attached to this document was a screenshot and link to one of the products being launched. I showed the target audience, and a brief description of the publication and the link to the publication. Screenshot of One pager that describes the challenges we are solving and our solutions.
  2. A reference letter from the head of product design of a company I previously worked in, who spoke about my involvement in leading the software/product development.
  3. Proof of products in the market: I reiterated that I built the product team from scratch before showing the pieces of evidence. Docs attached are screenshots of the flagship product web app and link to the web app, screenshots from Google’s Play and App Store console dashboard showing product acquisitions and channels and product performance (number of app downloads). I also included a link to Play Store and App Store.
  4. Proof of employment contracts.

OC2 docs

  1. Evidence of teaching at a product management school: Here, I spoke about the Ed-tech company, what it does, and my role as a product management facilitator. Docs attached, Screenshots of my offer letters, links to the ED Tech company’s website, screenshots of email correspondence for the different cohorts I taught, screenshots and links to students I mentored who attributed their success to my mentorship.
  2. letter of recommendation from founder and CEO of another edtech company I taught in. (does it matter that they are paid jobs?)

From this feedback it shows that I failed to meet any of the criteria which I found surprising.
None of my LORs were colleagues. My LOR1 was my former supervisor and line manager. My LOR3 was the founder and CEO of a product management school I taught in.

I made sure all my evidences were a 3page limit, even from the extracted copy of the submitted application. They were all 3 pages. I admit I had to shrink some of them to all fit in.

On the media recognition, my focus was on what the company was doing and since the news article had my name on it as the head of products I had to attach it.

On the salary evidence, I feel like the reviewer ignored all other monthly benefits and benefits in kind like company car listed. It seems they also converted the amount to pounds which comparing it with the current naira value amounts to almost nothing.

On OC1, i provided enough information on the products in market, and also proof of innovation from products I have worked with.

On OC2, i tried to attach all the relevant links to show that I taught in different product management schools including testimonials from students.

Hi @EkeneE

Firstly, sorry about this!

There’s no harm in appealing if you think you have provided all evidence in your original application that the assessor has overlooked or not understood .

You cannot submit new evidence but you can specifically address each feedback point and redirect assessor attention to specific areas of your application which prove that you have actually provided for what they say is missing or they have misinterpreted it.

It’s usually tough to clear the appeal if the whole application is flagged but there’s no harm giving it a try.


  • yes TN guidelines mention work outside to be pro-bono. They also need it to be a structured program which involved a selection criteria: did you highlight this?


  • what was the external evidence that the products you have mentioned were developed by you? Was this self-documentation only?
  • did you highlight how and why these products were innovative, their impact? Does the letter talk about your significant contribution to the innovation?


  • salary & employment contracts are provided in OC1 as well…ideally should just be provided uniquely under 1 criteria.

Thanks for your feedback. It’s a tough one espcially since I got the sense that the reviewer did not look at most of the evidences I provided.

OC2 - So that means its disqualified cos I was paid for these jobs. Yes there is a selection criteria where I had to attend a panel to be selected. I attached that as evidence too.

OC1 - Self documentation and screenshot of policy documents authored by me. I also included a ref letter from a head of dept talking about my impact.

MC - oh I see. i used it the prev as high renumeration and the later just to show I was properly engaged for some of the roles. For the high salary, I feel like the naira conversion did a great injustice to my benefits ppackage.


From what you have mentioned it looks like you had most of it in your original application which the assessor has overlooked or misread.

You can appeal and redirect their attention to specific parts of the application (use doc number, para number, line number specifically) where you think they have missed looking at or misinterpreted.

Appeal is free of cost and it cannot get worse than this, can only be upside or the same outcome! So why not.

I am curious to know if there is a timeline for reapply? I did not see it being mentioned anywhere how long before you can reapply @pahuja

Within 25 days appeal.

After 26 days reapplication.

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