Guidance on filling ILR Application. Important How To's

Hi @anurag_singh,
Thank you so much for this information.

I have some questions,I will be glad you can help out.

I am in the UK under the exceptional Talent and I have been working on my startup company on digital banking, approval still pending from FCA. I registered as payee with HRMC where I drawn my salary but my start-up is yet to start making money, My question is this.

  1. Can i still use the company as my employer in the UK even though it yet to start making profits

  2. How much should my income be to file for ILR.

  3. If I am just an employee of a startup company, do I still need to get letter from accountant?

A lot may have changed since he applied. In any case the important thing is showing proof of your earnings, tax payment and NI contribution. For a company that has not traded, you clearly have not earned in the UK so your startup may not suffice as evidence.
When I applied for I submitted letter from my letter and my P60.

  1. Your company making revenue does not matter, your earning does. Can you clarify what you exactly mean by “I registered as payee with HMRC where I drawn my salary”? Did you work before this start up as an employee? Are you paying yourself a salary from your current company?

  2. How much income you earn does not matter. You need to have earned something. This is an open to debate point but theoretically even if you have paid yourself a basic salary of £12750 also ‘should’ work. But just so you know I paid myself a fair bit more > £50000 as I wanted to have a good minimum amount.

  3. You can supply a letter from your company and from an accountant. Depending on who you have as employees in your start up / if you have a co founder etc. basically you shouldn’t write your own letter - someone else in your co should write it. Even if you have that someone I would provide the accountant letter as well.

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  1. A lot has not changed that much infact :slightly_smiling_face:. Rules are still very much the same / similar.

  2. The company not trading does not matter. I am not sure how they are funded but say they have got an investor or have invested themselves in the company and so long as they are paying themselves a salary it does not matter if the company makes money or not. The only criteria is if they as an individual make money.

Their start up does not matter as evidence. Their earning does.

I am referring to the earnings. Home office recently asked people to show proof of tax remittance and NI contribution. So he may be asked to show his P60.

You always had to show proof of earnings. P60 and/or dividend certificates for eg have always had to be shown as proof of individual earning.

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Thank you Seema for clarifying you submitted as the only director.

Did you also use the accountant’s details in the question of “Evidence contact detail” or did you use the contact detail of one of your clients?

Hi Jerry, I used my accountant letter and also provided a cover letter

Thank you all for contributing, this thread is very useful.

I had a question, I will be applying for ILR around 25-26 days before the 5-year anniversary of my visa start date, which was 12 days before my physical entry date. For the question ‘Date you first entered the UK’, this date needs to be visa start date or physical entry date?

Physical entry into the UK.

Hi @Anurag_Singh Thanks for sharing. This is really helpful.

Few concerns:

I have a Global Talent Exceptional Talent visa of 3 years. My wife has depdent visa.

So my question is that my wife is also eligible to apply for ILR with in the completion of 3 years global talent visa?

I have heard some where that dependent partner have to spend 5 years route to be eligible for the ILR irrespective of primary applicant visa.

Can anyone confirm this scenario please :pray:

Many Thanks

She has to wait 5 years. If you are a GT holder, you could join the slack and ask there for wider view.

@Anurag_Singh Thank you for your response. That’s good idea I filled and submitted the form.

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