Final Review of Evidence Before Submitting- Exceptional Leader - enterprise Sales

Hi- can someone provide any feedback on the below outline of criteria before I submit next week if there are any weak areas or things to consider?


  1. High Salary / Offer letter with benchmarks
  2. Women’s Initiatives in Fintech- participation in leadership groups, members of women in fintech groups, and put on an industry event last month, Women networking group with Canine Companions - workshop on disability inclusion in workplace (~100 attendees)
  3. Sales Expertise/Experience - Snapshots of pipeline revenue, closed revenue, contributing before and after Series C with Goldman Sachs
  4. LOR from Head of Sales at current firm confirming pipeline/revenue closed/top sales rep /plan for UK expansion for company

OC2: Volunteering outside of Job, Run a family nonprofit + Next Generation focus for students and participating in leadership programs focused on getting young talent in industry
5) Family Nonprofit for addiction, I run all digital campaigns and fundraising online, show revenue numbers of fundraising due to speaking / events put on to battle addiction. Also created Fintech networking group as volunteers over last 5 years, email snapshot of proof
6) Next Generation / Student Volunteering - Volunteer with 100+ Students last 2 years at large industry conference, as a speaker and school ambassador. On same evidence with same company I also participated in a Next Generation Leadership Program - selected to run the cohort with industry peers focused on developing leadership skills over 2 year program, focused on Next Gen
7) LOR from the Founder of the Next Gen Leadership and Student conference Volunteer program on my participation and leadership in both

OC3: Impact with Marketing Events/generated leads to revenue and New Product Offering with Client signed
8) Marketing Impact with current firm on revenue and leads generated, multiple examples in evidence including unique Conference event with 200+ attendees, impact was over 90K in signed revenue tied to event and brand expansion. Also lead a Product Webinar with 120K MQL leads generated, I ran the webinar demo, and will be going forward once a month as the sales leader at current firm - Impact on brand expansion for a niche product, lead generation, and revenue closed
9) Lead a signed client revenue share and partnership agreement with two firms, offering a unique product to the market with partnership. The Impact will be bringing a new unique and niche product to alternative assets globally. Press release with me quoted and CEO of firm quoted on partnership, market expansion opportunity, and future state
10) LOR from CEO of the partner firm signed from above, confirming new market impact of being our client and coming together with a new product offering for the industry

LOR- 1) Global Head of Marketing at current firm (also confirming marketing OC3, would that be ok or would they think that is repeating evidence?
LOR 2) CEO At fintech firm - discussing my community involvement outside of work
LOR 3) CRO at Fintech Firm - previously worked with me earlier in career and has seen my career growth

Personal Statement- Tying job and high success as a leader in enterprise sales to community involvement and events for impact of the sector.

Let me know if there are any weak areas or things to consider, and if this outline makes sense on the criteria. Any feedback would be welcome! I was debating switching Women Initiatives to OC2, but wanted to make sure I had a strong MC.

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